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Authors note: So I wasn't gunna upload til Saturday but I uploaded today so yea! NJOY! Please tell me what you honestly think! U guys RAWK!

Here it is

Chapter 2


 I  pushed Niall away, got up and left, slamming the door I could hear Niall sobbing but I didn't care. How could he just kiss me and think that it was alright? Calm down Harry, he doesn't know your gay well of course not! No one does.... no one but me. I thought.

    I shook my head, he had no right! I was angry. No I was more than angry, I was pissed, at Niall and at myself. God he was probably breaking into millions of pieces as was I. He should've known that management would never agree to any of us getting together romantically.........

"Harry? I've been talking to you for 20 minutes and you've just been sitting there making really weird faces at me." Louis said looking hurt. I looked at him and glared.

"Why are you acting like this? What have I done to deserve your pissy attitude?" Louis said almost yelling. Stop it! Stop it right this instant Harry Edward Styles. I commanded myself. It didn't work I glared harder.

"Oh and now your giving me the silent treatment? Well that's just great! You know what? I don't need this, I don't need you, and, I certainly don't need your attitude. Screw you." He said grabbing his duffel and slamming the door behind him.

"You know what? I have issues too! You don't even give me a fucking chance to explain my-fucking-self!" I screamed through the door.

"Fuck you Harry!" Louis screamed back.

I threw a book (Lou's book) at the door and cried out in frustration. I threw myself on the bed and began to sob.


My throat was raw from yelling at Harry. I felt sorta bad he was right I hadn't given him a chance to explain himself but, I had stuff going on too. I had poured out my heart to him and he didn't even care. Liam burst out of his room in a towel his hair was dripping.

"Whats all the racket? Lou are you ok? What the hell is going on?" He shouted. I was breathing hard tears were streaming down my face and I couldn't speak or at least I didn't want to. I staggered towards Liam and he held out his dripping arms. I embraced him and cried into his shoulder.

"I..... I need to stay w-with y-you tonight...." I gasped.

"Of course, anything for my Lou..." He whisperd.


Ahhh shit. I'd just called Louis my Lou..... Bad Liam Bad! He didn't seem to notice and nodded. I pulled him into my room a shut the door. I sat him down gently on the bed and rubbed his back. His whole body shook with sobs, I climbed in bed with him and turned out the light.

Thunder boomed and lightning lit up the sky, he jumped; I wrapped my arms tightly around him and I could feel his body relax as he laid his head on my chest. I smiled looking down at the older boy I placed a gentle kiss on his head and closed my eyes.  

  I awoke to the sound of Louis shrieking in my ear.

"No daddy don't leave us! I need you!" He had tears streaming down his face. He was kicking his legs as if he was running. I grabbed Louis and held him tight.

"Louis! Louis it's ok.... your ok." His eyes opened tears still streaming down his face. Thunder shook the building and Louis shrieked again, he was hystarical.

"AHHHH MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!!!" He yelled. I hated seeing him like this I held him even tighter. He began to calm down and soon he was crying softly in my arms.

"Whats going on Lou?" I asked quietly. He was silent. I waited. Then he spoke,

"It was thundering when dad left us, thunder is evil. It breaks famlies apart and leaves them broken forever." His voice cracked and he began to cry again.

"I'm all alone. I have no one but myself...." He muttered.

"Thats not true," I whispered. "You'll always have me."

"No, you'll leave me just like my dad did." He said quietly. I pulled Louis closer and he turned to face me.

"I'll never leave you." I whispered. I moved closer towards him and kissed him, I ran my tongue (sp?) over his lower lip and he kissed back.

Thunder boomed and he jumped. Once more I grabbed him tightly and whispered,

"Goodnight." But Louis was already asleep now, with a smile on his face.


So didn't see that commin eh?  Oh you did..... crap.... Comment please!!!!! I like live off of nice comments! <3333


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