Broken Hearts//Broken family's

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Authors note: So this might be a little short but thats just how I roll... You see shorter chapters faster uploads..........longer chapters longer uploads (meaning there would be like a 7 day waiting period...) :)    Which I can tote's make happen if thats what you want......

Music! This song really inspired me to write this Chapter and I know it's from a disney move and that I am almost 16 but..... I like the song so if you have a problem with me liking a disney song then screw it! Just listen to the dang song! :) The song is More than a Band by Lemonade Mouth  

"Reach for my hand cause it's held out for you, My shoulder's are small but you can cry on them too, everything changes but one thing is true understand.... We'll always be more than a Band."

Here it is! The not so long awaited  <----- is that even a word??? :0

Chapter 3!


I awoke with Louis still in my arms. He looked so peaceful like a little toddler rather than a 20 year old. My thoughts drifted to last night.

Something had happened.... if only I could remember what......

Why wasn't Louis in Harry's room?

Had they had an argument?

Yes, or that's what I recall..... Slamming doors,swearing, then my sweet innocent Lou bawling in my arms.... What had Harry done this time?

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Louis' mobile ringing. After the third ring it stopped and a message began to play on the mobile...

"Hey Lou, it's Mum. You do remember me don't you? Oh silly me of course you do or at least you should..... Anyways I am calling to let you know that we'll be there shortly and you better be up and clean by the time I knock on that door. I expect to see all of the lads up and dressed too ok? Since your the oldest you better get everyone up.... And I don't care if it is Liam's job to be all Daddy Direction you need to be more responsible yourself... well I better go oh and one other thing Karen and Geoff are getting a divorce......."

   She continued talking but I didn't hear her. I froze no no no no no no no this is not happening! I shook Louis and jumped out of bed, I looked everywhere for my mobile. I found it in the pocket of my jeans I had worn the day before and grabbed it, my hands shaking, tears streaming down my face, I dialed Ruth. No answer. I dialed Nicola and she picked up on the 2 ring.

"Liam......Hi, how are you?" Her voice was strained and she sounded like she had been crying.

"T-tell me it's n-not true!" I said my voice shaking.

"Liam I-" I cut her off.

"No,No this isn't happening, it cant be..." My body shook with sobs.

"Liam, this is Ruth, we're coming to you ok?" She sniffed. "We're almost there, oh and Johanna and the girls will be there too we're all together right now.. I'm going to give the phone to Nicola alright? I love you so much,"

"H-how's mum?" I asked.

"It's bad Liam..." Ruth said.


I pretended to be asleep while Liam stared at me. I know creepy, I didn't care. I was about to open my eyes when my phone rang, after the third ring a message began to play,

"Hey Lou, it's Mum. You do remember me don't you? Oh silly me of course you do or at least you should..... Anyways I am calling to let you know that we'll be there shortly and you better be up and clean by the time I knock on that door. I expect to see all of the lads up and dressed too. Ok? Since your the oldest you better get everyone up.... And I don't care if it is Liam's job to be all Daddy Direction you need to be more responsible yourself... well I better go oh and one other thing Karen and Geoff are getting a divorce. It turns out Geoff has been seeing another woman..." Liam shook me and jumped out of bed. I opened my eyes watching Liam I could see tears already streaming down his face and he was searching frantically for his mobile. I continued listening to my mother, "For sometime actually, he's a sneaky bast- Ow!" Suddenly my mums voice was replaced by Nicola's (Liam's older sister)

"That was a bit insensitive you think?"

Then my mum spoke, "Yes it was, I'm sorry about that! But you didn't have to hit me dear..... Well Lou, my boy I better go. Get up, get dressed and I'll see you and the other lads when I get there."

Nicola added, "We. When we get there."

Mum spoke again,  "Oh right I forgot to mention that Karen and the girls are with me and we'll all be staying at the house with you so I expect it to be clean." I heard a click and the message was over.

Liam had found his own mobile and was talking to Nicola,

"T-tell me it's not true." Liam was saying his voice trembled. "No,no this isn't happening.... it can't be." He said shaking his head. He listened for a moment and then spoke into the mobile,

"H-how's Mum?" The response must have been devastating. Liam fell to his knees sobbing hard. I jumped out of bed and wrapped my arms tightly around Liam and didn't let go.


So I have a question..... Is it all going downhill from here? Or is it slowly but surley (sp?) picking up in the drama department?

 There will be more Narry I promise! But i'm kinda having problems thinking of ideas so it might be awhile! Meanwhile Poor Zayn..... I do have an idea for him tho its gonna be amazayn!

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