Somethings Wrong//The Truth

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I woke up to the smell of burned bacon. I moaned had Louis tried to cook again?

"Lou!" I mumbled. I sat up and saw Harry sitting there his face was blank.He looked terrified were those tears? Streaming down his face?

"Haz? Are you OK?" I asked softly I racked my brain trying to remember if we had had an argument. No I don't think so... I just remember him telling me that he loved me. So why was he crying.

"T-there coming for me. T-t-there coming f-for me!" He kept saying over an over. He began rocking back in forth his eyes darting around the room. I began to feel uneasy.

"H-Haz are you o-ok?" I repeated. He faced me, his eyes were full of fear.

"There coming for me Niall. There going to come and take me away from you. You can't let them take me from you! Your all have." He said more tears streaming down his face. I was so confused. Harry was acting absolutely mental.

"No one is ever going to take you away from me! Ever. OK? I love you." I said pulling him into a hug. He looked up at me with puppy dog eyes.

"P-promise?" He asked. My heart melted.

"I promise." I whispered I placed a soft kiss on his forehead and hugged him again.

"I'm hungry." He said pulling away. I grinned at him.

"Me too! Lets go eat." I said pulling him off the bed.


I heard Niall and Harry talking as they entered the kitchen.

"We're hungry!" They both said at the same time. They looked at each other and burst into fits of giggles. Me and Lou looked at each other. Niall eyed the plate of pancakes and grinned both he and Harry raced towards the plate. I laughed and continued cleaning the living room. Man we were slobs. Banana peels were everywhere (don't ask) soda cans too. I sighed as I picked up a rotten carrot. I glanced at Lou.

"Really?" I said. He looked guiltily at the floor.

"I don't know how gorge got there but I will make sure that he will never do it again." He said snatching they carrot away from me. I rolled my eyes and continued cleaning.

"Why are you two cleaning?" Harry asked.

"Erm.... My Mum and sisters are com-" Louis cut me off

"As are mine. The want to come and visit for awhile so we have to clean. It'll be like a family get together." He said trying to sound happy.

"What about your Dad? Liam? Is he coming too?" Niall asked. My heart stopped beating for a second. I knew I couldn't keep anything from the boys especially not Niall.

"No he isn't. It's just my Mum and sisters.... The truth is... My Dad cheated on my Mum and now there coming so we can all be together." I said. I left the room. I wasn't about to let the boys see me cry.

    I sat on my bed thinking. I ignored the warm tears streaming down my face. I thought of my father.  He had betrayed me, my sisters and my mum. To think that I had once loved him. And that I ha once looked up to him made me sick. I laid down on my bed and cried.

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