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I understand if I confused you but it had to be done! LIKE HAD TO! It was the only way out! <333 This is the last chapter! There will be a sequel the title is TBA later! MMMMKK???? Enjoy.... or don't i honestly dont know what to think rite now



I followed Liam into the hallway and ended up with a slammed door in my face.

"Li! Li it's me Louis. Li let me in." I said banging on the door. He opened it slowly and I held out my arms. He hugged me tightly and whispered,

"I love you so much Lou." I looked at him in shock. His eyes widended and he looked scared.

"I love you too." I said.

*****He gave me a slight smile before looking down at my lips. Our faces became serious as we leaned closer together. An electric spark shot through my body when our lips touched. Our lips moved in sync as I tangled my hands in his hair. His arms tightened around my waist as he slightly bent his head down with him being taller than me.

Our tongues met and what started out as an innocent kiss, turned into a kiss full of lust. I caught his bottom lip between my teeth as I pulled out of the kiss. He let out a low moan and I started to unbutton his shirt, reattaching our lips. The second I unbuttoned the last button, his shirt was across the room, mine following not long after.

He pushed me against the wall, pressing our bare chests together. He played with the zip of my jeans. I moaned into his mouth as his touch lingered on my skin. His lips left mine, but quickly found a new place on my neck. He sucked and nibbled at the skin, knowing it would leave a mark.

I moved my hands from his hair and down his chest to the waistline of his jeans. Without any trouble, I unzipped his jeans and they lay beside our tops. My chinos followed shortly and soon enough we were only in our boxers.

Our mouths and tongues met for another dance, as I twisted the elastic waistline of his boxers between my fingers. He moaned into my mouth as I started to pull them down.**** I guess we were too busy to realize that the door had been flung open,

"Oh dear lord they're having sex!"  A shrill voice screeched.

We pulled away quickly, there stood  Louis' Mum and Niall.

"Hello Mrs.Tomlinson we were just uh.... er well Louis? Want to take this one?" I looked at Louis who had all of a sudden become very interested in the striped comforter. He shook his head furiously, his cheeks bright red. "Well then we were just erm..." I looked at the ground.

"Louis Tomlinson you've got a lot to explain young man." She said as she jerked him up by the shirt and pulled him to his room. I sat on my bed for awhile staring at the floor. Niall stood there his mouth hanging open and his eyes wide. I felt angry, I shot Niall a glare.

"What are you looking at?" I spat. Niall blinked.

"I-I uh I...." Niall stuttered. His face was red and he looked as if he would burst into tears any second. I felt awful for snapping at him and was about to apologize when he left. I tried to call after him,

"Niall, Niall come back! I'm sorry for yell-" I froze. A new figure took Niall's place. Mums figure.

"Mum, hi how are you doing this fine evening?" I asked trying to avoid the question.

"What the hell were you thinking having sex with Louis?" She yelled. I shrank back don't get me wrong I love my mum, but right now I was beginning to get scared.

"We weren't.... I wasn't mum I..." I stopped. Why am I lying? Why can't I tell her? Wait a second I can! She's my mum, my own flesh and blood, she'll understand she has to.

"I love him. Mum, I love him a lot. I want to be with him!" I said. Her eyes widened.

"You love Louis?" She smirked. "Liam, my boy you aren't a very good liar." She said.

"What are you talking about? I love him more than anything in the world... I-I always have and I always will!" I said raising my voice.  Mum glared at me.

"Ha! Will you ever be able to marry Louis? No." She laughed bitterly and ran her fingers through my hair. "I love Louis and I always will! How silly!" She caressed my check with her thumb.  Was my mum mocking me? I began to get angrier.

"I do to love him! I love him with all my heart! I love the way his eyes sparkle when he laughs, the way he runs his fingers through his hair when he gets nervous, the way h-"

"You don't love him. You think you do but you don't. And guess what Liam, He doesn't love you!" She shouted. I was shocked, my eyes stung I felt like I'd been stabbed.

"T-that's a lie." She shook her head and smiled.

"Don't be an idiot! He doesn't love you! He's just a horny 19 year old who wants sex! But you, you my sweet innocent Liam you deserve someone who can treat you right and please you to the fullest extent." She said. I shot up Was I really going to let her say all of these horrible things? No I wasn't.

"T-THAT'S A LIE! I LOVE LOUIS AND IF YOU CAN'T ACCEPT THAT THEN YOU CAN JUST LEAVE!" I yelled. Tears streamed down my cheeks. Mum stepped towards me and slapped me. I gasped my own mum had just slapped me.

"Well then it looks like both of the men in my life are worthless faggots!"   She stormed off and slammed my door.

Again HUGE SHOUTOUT TO BECCANIALLER! Without her you wouldn't be reading this right now :)

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