Sick (part 1 of chapter 7)

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Liam left followed by Lou shortly. My eyes widened. Liam's parents were getting a divorce? Niall must of been thinking the same thing because he gasped. I turned to face him his aqua blue eyes already had tears in them. I wrapped him into a huge hug and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I kissed his head softly. Wait he was crying for Liam! He should only shed tears for me, not Liam! There's only one reasonable explanation,

"You don't love me!" I sputtered pushing him away. He looked up at me in shock.

"You're in love with Liam! You, you traitor! I loved you with all my heart and you betrayed me! I never want to see you again." I screamed.


"What the hell are you talking about? Of course I love you! Don't you remember? Last night?" I asked looking at Harry in horror. What the fuck was going on? A few minutes ago he was fine and now he's like a totally different person. And what about earlier; They're coming for me?

"Then why are you crying for Liam? You shouldn't be able to cry for anyone but me!" He yelled.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? I can cry for who ever the hell I want!" I shouted. His expression was hard and cold.

"Maybe I don't love you anymore." I said softly. His expression softened.

"Oh my god Niall I am so sorry! I didn't... I don't know what came over me. Somethings wrong with me today! I'm going to go lay down for a bit," He said. "Please forgive me?" He asked. I said nothing.

"PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" He yelled choking on a sob. What the hell? I thought. I had to admit, I was scared.

"Of c-course I forgive you." I stuttered. He smiled. Again what the hell? And left the hallway.


I threw myself on the bed, sobbing. I had yelled at Niall. I had accused him of not loving me. I had scared him.

"I am a horrible person." I said.

"I AM A HORRIBLE PERSON!" I yelled, I began hitting my bed slamming my fists on the pillows. I stood up looking around wildly I saw a picture of Niall and the boys. I was taken by a wave of anger,sadness and guilt. I picked it up and threw it at the wall I slammed my fists down on my desk. Pain shot up both of my wrists. The door burst open, Niall stood there looking worried.

"What the hell's going on in here?" He shouted.

"I-I'm a horrible person." I muttered. I pushed past him and headed for the kitchen. Niall ran after me "I'm a horrible person. I'm a horrible person. I-I AM A HORRIBLE PERSON!!!" I screamed. I continued screaming,

"I am a horrible person! I don't deserve you Niall. Break up with me immediately." I said.

"Is this some kind of joke? Because it's not funny Haz." Niall said his voice shaking.   A joke? A joke? How could he be serious? Who in their right mind would want to date me after what I had said to Niall?

"I don't deserve you Nialler. I don't deserve Liam or Zayn or Louis. Your all so brilliant and I don't deserve to be in a band with you guys. I don't deserve to breathe the same air as you guys. I don't deserve to live." I said quietly.  

"SHUT UP HARRY! NEVER SAY THAT AGAIN! I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART YOU DESERVE EVERYTHING. YOUR NICE,FRIENDLY,THOUGHTFUL,loving and a bit crazy......I could go on about all the things I love about you." Niall shouted, he walked towards me slowly.

"NO! THAT'S ALL A LIE! I AM AN AWFUL PERSON AND I DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE." I grabbed a kitchen knife. Harry Edward Styles what the hell are you doing? Put that awful thing down and listen to your boyfriend! My conscience screamed.

"No no no I can't. I have to end this right now." I muttered. PUT IT DOWN! My conscience shrieked. All of a sudden something clicked. What the hell was I doing? I dropped the knife and fell to my knee's Niall ran to me and kicked the knife away. He pulled me up and hugged me tears streamed down his face his beautiful perfect face.

"I'm Sorry Niall. I'm so sorry." I said.

"I'm going to g-get you s-some help." Niall said quietly.

"Help? I don't need help! I'm perfectly fine!" I said.

"NO! No Harry you're not! You're not perfectly fine! You're far from being perfectly fine! One second you're fine and the next you're yelling at me and accusing me of not loving you! You're sick! You need help! I am going to get you HELP!" Niall yelled his voice cracked and more tears streamed down his face.

"Really I am fine!" I insisted. Why was Niall being so protective?


"Ok if it's that important for you than ok we'll go to the doctor, they'll check me out and if there is something wrong then they'll find it." I said calmly. Niall just sat there clinging to me like a scared puppy.

*ooooooooh so what do u think is wrong with Harry??* This chapter was very weird to write! Oh well I hope u like it! <333

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