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*Sniff* This is the end!  I never planned for any of this to happen.... If you want a sequel then tell me. I might do one but we'll see! Anyways enjoy!



I couldn't stop crying. Both of the men in my life are worthless faggots! Those words kept replaying inside my head. I thought about Lou. I felt sick to my stomach once I realized what I had to do. It was either Mum or Louis I had to choose. I stood up and walked to my desk. I pulled out my journal and began to write,

My dearest Lou,

I cant believe it's come to this. It's weird how much everything can change in just a day. Yesterday I was comforting you,wiping away your tears,holding you in my arms. Today I find myself making the hardest decision in my life. You don't know how I wish that things were different. Hell I'd rather use a spoon than make this decision and you know how I feel about spoons. If it were only that simple. I love you Lou, with all my heart. I hope you know that. Before you get all dramatic and superman on me I'm not killing myself. Even though that would be less painful. What I'm trying to say is that; We can never be together. I don't want to explain right now all I know is that I have to make a choice. As much as I want it to be you it just can't.... my family means to much. So I guess this is goodbye. At least for a little while. I will go back to West Midlands and stay with my family. I'll be back as soon as I can. I love you Lou. I'm so sorry for everything, every heartache or heartbreak you've suffered. I hope you can understand and that you'll be able to forgive me. I love you so much.


I shut the journal and placed it on top of my bags. I looked around the room one last time before turning out the lights.

***The End***

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2012 ⏰

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