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I was broken. And so was my family. Dad had cheated on mum and she had just found out last night. They had been driving ever since along with Johanna and her daughters. Poor Ruth,Nicola and especially poor mum. I couldn't wait to see her,to hug her, and comfort her. Dad had called me 7 times but I ignored him. I never wanted to see him again he had hurt My mum, my family and me. Louis had left to take a shower.


After my shower I decided to go find Harry and apologize for not giving him a chance to explain. I opened the door to his room, it was empty. "Hm that's odd"I said to no one in particular. Hmm maybe Niall knows where he is. I walked to his room the door was closed and I could hear snores coming from inside the room. It sounded like Harry. So my little Hazza was afraid of being alone too. That was adorable. I decided not to wake them and headed downstairs to look for Zayn. The kitchen was vacant, so was the living room. My car key's were gone. Zayn! You little twerp! I called him. No answer. I left him a 'sweet' little message,

"Zayn,you carrot! You better get back here. Liam... Liam's parents are splitting and it's not looking so good for him. He needs all of us. Get your ass over here now!" I hung up and tossed the phone on the couch I headed for the kitchen. I looked in the fridge.

    I decided to make breakfast for everyone.  Pancakes, egg's and bacon. It began to rain while I cooked, I thought about Liam. Last night he had called me his Lou. And then he had kissed me. Did did he love me? No that's not possible He's straight and he has girlfriend. Hell I have a girlfriend. Eleanor. I missed her so much. I inhaled deeply. Something was burning! I looked down.

"Shit!" I shouted. I had burned the bacon. Well almost but it was quite brown. I turned off the stove and put the pan in the sink. Smoke was everywhere and I grabbed a towel swiping at the smoke.

"Oh please don't set off the smoke detectors!" I moaned. I managed to clear it all out. I took a breath and sighed with relief. I decided to call Eleanor while I waited for everyone to wake up.

"Hello?" A familiar voice asked.

"El... I miss you so much baby." I said into the mobile. Smiling.

"Lou! I miss you more. How are things?" She asked.

"Ah right now things are pretty screwed. Liam.... Liam's parents are splitting up." I said UN-easily into the mobile. I heard Eleanor gasp.

"Oh poor Liam! Oh I feel so awful. Does Danielle know?" She asked.

"No I don't think so. I feel horrible I dunno what to do." I said

"I should probably go. I love you sooo much Lou." I heard a voice in the background say, "Hey babe you got any sodas?" Then a click.My heart began to race no, no Eleanor would never cheat on me! I called her again. She answered on the 7th ring.

"So do you?" I asked bitterly.

"Do I what?" Eleanor asked.

"Do you have any sodas? Babe?" I said gritting my teeth.

"Lou it's not what you think!" She said. I began to get angry.

"Really? It's not what I think? What do you think I think it is?" I said loudly.

"I-I really. I love you-" Eleanor's voice was replaced by a mans voice. "El.. Babe who are you talking to?"

 I waited for a response.

"No one it's no one." She said.

 No one? Fine then. If that's the way she wants it then that's the way she'll have it.

"It's Louis Tomlinson from One Direction. Her other boyfriend!" I said. I hung up and threw my phone against the wall.  I ran my fingers through my hair. Liam entered the living room as soon as he saw me he rushed by my side.

"Lou! Are you OK?" He asked looking worried. I looked up at him. His eyes were blood shot and he looked terrible (Hey the truth hurts) No no I was not going to cry in front of him. Not now, not after what had just happened to him. I smiled and nodded.

"I'm fine Li. Just a bit tired that's all." I lied.

"OK. Mum called again and she said that she and the girls will be here in 2 or 3 hours. Meanwhile I better get this place cleaned." He said beginning to straighten up the living room. I stood up and began to help him.


  Our chests heaved and we were both breathing heavily. My mobile buzzed.

"I hope that's not a boyfriend." Ryan said grinning at me. I looked at the screen, Carrotboy.

"He's not my boyfriend. He's my-"

"Band mate." He finished.

"You knew that I am in a band?" I asked.

"Yes I do. Is that a problem?" He asked.

"No I guess not. You a fan of our songs?" I asked.

"Yeah Yeah Yeah that's what crazy is when it's broken you say there's nothing to fix...." He sang softly. He grinned at me.

"Hmm I'll take that as a yes." I said. He laughed and kissed me softly. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around him. He licked my lower lip asking for entrance and I gave it to him. Our tongues wrestled playfully.

"Zayn,you carrot! You better get back here. Liam... Liam's parents are splitting and it's not looking so good for him. He needs all of us. Get your ass over here now!"

Liam's parents were splitting? I sat up instantly I looked at Ryan.

"Go." He said.

"I can't leave you." I said. He smirked.

"Well here's my number," He said getting a pen and jotting his digits on my wrist. "Don't be shy." He said.

"I won't." I said getting up grabbing my pants and shirt. Once I was dressed I gave Ryan one last kiss.

"I'll call you as soon as I can." I said. He smiled and waved.

*I hope you liked it!* :-)

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