Keep The Door Open

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Ben stands up and walks over to the railing. He sits on it.

"What do you say we closed the door. We can't have any kind of party with Snoke checking us out every few seconds." Ben said as he was about to closed the door.

"Ben, no! You can't do that! You know the door was supposed to be open." Rey protested.

"Rey's right Man! If we keep the door closed, Principal Snoke will give us several weekends' worth of additional detention!" Hux said as he started to agreeing with her.

"So what?" Ben said as he began to smirked.

"Why don't you just shut up and leave the door opened already! There's only the six of us here you know." Phasma said.

"God, you can count. See! I knew you had to be a smart to be a a wrestler." Ben said

"Who the hell are you to judge anybody anyway?" Poe said as he began to stand from his chair.

"Really..." Phasma said as she rolled her eyes.

"You know, Solo... you don't even count. I mean if you disappeared forever it wouldn't make any difference. You may as well not even exist at this school." Finn said as Ben probably is upset about this and pauses at the moment before speaking. He doesn't let his emotions out, however.

"Well... I'll just let run right out and join the emo team." Ben said as Poe and Finn look at each other and laugh at Ben.

"Maybe the flight club too! Plane boy!" He said to Poe.

"No, they wouldn't take you!" Finn said to Ben.

"I'm hurt." Ben said.

"You know why guys like you knock everything..." Rey said to Ben.

"Oh, this should be stunning." Ben said to himself.

"It's cause you're afraid." Phasma said.

"Oh, God! You ritchies are so smart, that's exactly why I'm not heavy in activities!" Ben said as he mock enthusiasm. 

"You're a big coward!" Hux shouted to Ben as Poe feels out.

"I'm in the math club." Poe said to no one imparticular.

"See you're afraid that they won't take you. You don't belong so you just have to dumb all over it." Rey said as Ben walks closer to Rey.

"Well... it wouldn't have anything to do with your activities people being assholes... now wouldn't it? He said.

"Well you wouldn't know... you don't know even know any of us." Rey said.

"Well, I don't know any lepers either, but I'm not run out and join one of their fucking clubs." Ben said.

"Hey let's watch the mouth huh?" Hux shout to Ben.

"I'm in the physics club." Finn said as he feels need to be contribute.

"Excuse me for a sec." Ben said to Rey as he turns to Poe and Finn

"What are you two babbling about?" He asked to Poe and Finn.

"Well, what we said were.... we're in the math club, latin club, and physics club." Poe said as Ben nods and turns to Rey.

"Hey scavenger, do you belong to the physics club?" He asked to Rey.

"There's an academic club." Rey said to Ben.

"So?" He said.

"So academic clubs aren't the same as other kinds of club." She said.

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