Back In The Library

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Hux and Poe laughing. Phasma is hanging out over by the statue in the back of the library.

"No no man, no; you've got a middle name?" Hux asked.

"Yeah, guess..." Poe said.

Phasma suddenly takes interest in the conversation and as she speaks, she moves over and sits next to the two.

"Your middle name is Oscar, as in deer..." She said as Hux and Poe look at her in confusion.

"Your birthday is March 9th, you're five-eight and a half, you weight one hundred sixty nine pounds and your social number is 0-4-9-3-8-0-9-1... 3." She continued as Hux became impressive.

"Wow! Are you phychic?" He asked her.

"No." Phasma answered.

"Well would you mind telling me how you know all this about me?" Poe asked her as she reached in her bag.

"I stole your wallet." She said as she produced it in her hands and grins.

"Give it to me." He said.

"No." She refused.

"Give it!" Poe demanded as Phasma reluctantly handed over the wallet and Poe glanced through it to make sure nothing is missing.

"This is great, you're a thief too! Huh?" Poe accused Phasma being a thief.

"I'm not a thief!" Phasma said to him.

"Multi-talented!" Poe said.

"What's there to steal? Two bucks and a beaver shot!" Phasma said.

"A what?" Hux asked.

"He's got a nudie picture in there! I saw it, it's perverted!" She laughed.

"Alright, let's see it!" Hux said as Ben brushing his teeth with one of Rey's cosmetics brushes and she began looking through Ben's wallet pictures.

"Are these all your girlfriends?" She asked him.

"Some of them." He said.

"What about the others?" She asked.

"Well, some I consider my girlfriends and some... I just consider..." He said

"Consider what?" Rey said.

"Whether or not, I wanna hang out with them." Ben said.

"You don't believe in just one guy, one girl?" Rey asked him.

"Do you?" Ben asked her back.

"Yeah...that's the way it should be." Rey said.

"Well, not for me." Ben disagreed.

"Why not?" She said as Ben clearly doesn't want to answer that. He acts defensive.

"How come you got so much shit in your purse?" Ben protested her.

"How come you got so many girlfriends?" Rey protested him back.

"I asked you first." He said.

"I dunno...I guess I never throw anything away." Rey shrugged.

"Neither do I." Ben said.

"Oh." She said as Hux, Phasma and Poe are sitting, Hux is looking through Poe's wallet.

"This is the worst fake ID I've ever seen." Hux said as Poe started to laugh.

"Do you realize you made yourself sixty-eight?" Hux said.

Oh, I know...I know, I goofed it." Poe said.

"What do you need a fake ID for?" Hux asked him.

"So I can vote!" Poe said like it was obvious as Phasma looked up suddenly.

"You know what's inside of my bag?" Phasma smirked as Hux and Poe shocked.

"No!" They both said as Phasma looked hurt and then resentful. Just to spite them, she dumped the contents of her bag onto the couch. Lots of stuff came out.

"Holy shit! What is all that stuff?" Hux said.

"Do you always carry this much shit in your bag?" Poe asked Phasma.

"Yeah...I always carry this much my bag...You never know when you may have to jam..." Phasma said.

"Are you gonna be like a shopping bag lady? You know like, sit in alleyways and like to talk to buildings and wear men's shoes that kinda thing?" Poe mocked her.

"I'll do what I have to do." She said.

Why do you have to do anything?" Poe asked Phasma.

"My home life is un...satisfying." Phasma said with a feeling.

"So you're saying you'd subject yourself to the violent dangers of the Chicago streets because your homelife is unsatisfying?" Poe said. 

"I don't have to run away and live in the street...I can run away and, go to the ocean, I can go to the country, I can go to the mountains. I can go to Israel, Africa, Afghanistan." Phasma said as Poe looked at her and then moved over to Hux.

" wanna get in on this? Phamsa here says, she wants to run away, because her home is unsatisfying..." Poe said to him.

"Well everyone's home lives are unsatisfying...If it wasn't, people would live with their parents forever." Hux said.

"Yeah, yeah I understand. But I think that's her's goes beyond, you know, what guys like you and me...consider normal unsatisfying." Poe said to Hux.

"Nevermind...forget it, everything's cool!" Phasma said as she started to put everything back in her bag.

"What's the deal?" Hux said.

"No! There's no deal, Redhead. Forget it, leave me alone!" Phasma said angrily.

"Wait a minute, now you're carrying all that crap around in your purse. Either you really wanna run away or you want people to think you're run away." He said to her.

"Eat shit!" Phasma screeched as she got up and walked away.

"The girl is an island, with herself. Okay?" Poe said as Hux got up and went after her.

"Hi, you wanna talk?" Hux asked her.

"No!" Phasma said angrily.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Go away..." Phasma said.

"Where do you want me to go?" Hux said.

"GO away!" She screamed as he turned away and she began to cry.

"You have problems..." Phasma asked.

"Oh, I have problems?" Hux said.

"You do everything everybody ever tells you to do, that is a problem!" Phasma said.

"Okay, fine...but I didn't dump my purse out on the couch and invite people into my problems...Did I? So what's wrong? What is it? Real bad? Parents?" Hux said as Phasma silently cried.

"Yeah." She said as he nodded.

"What do they do to you?" Hux asked her.

"They ignore me." Phasma answered.

"Yeah...yeah..." Hux said as they both silently cried.

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