Escape From The Closet

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Rey, Hux, Gwen, Poe and Finn are all sitting back in their seats when Principal Snoke and Ben enter. He pushes him.

"Get your stuff, let's go!" Snoke demanded them. "Mr. Wiseguy here has taken it upon to go to the gymnasium. I'm sorry to inform you, you're going to be without his services for the rest of the day." He added.

"B-O-O-H-O-O!" Ben shouted to Snoke.

"Everything's a big joke, huh Solo? The false alarm you pulled, Friday, false alarms are really funny, aren't they...What if your home, what if your family...what if your dopes was on fire?" Snoke said.

"Impossible, sir it's in Johnson's underwear." Ben said and it makes Hux laugh.

"You think he's funny? You think this is cute? You think he's bitchin', is that it? Lemme tell you something. Look at him, he's a bum." He started to rant on Ben to Rey, Phasma, Hux, Poe and Finn.

"You wanna see something funny? You go visit Ben Solo in five years! You'll see how God damned funny he is!" He said and turned to Ben.

"What's the matter, Ben? You gonna cry? Let's go." Snoke said and grabs Ben's shoulder.

"Hey keep your fucking hands off me! I expect manners from you dick!" Ben shouts at Snoke and takes off his sunglasses out of his pocket and lays them in front of Hux.

"For better hallway vision!" Ben said and leaves but not before pushing stuff over on the way.

At the closet...

Snoke has put Ben in a closet and is in there talking to him.

"That's the last time, Solo. That's the last time you ever make me look bad in front of those kids, do you hear me? I make $31,000 dollars a year and I have a home and I'm not about to throw it away on some punk like you. But someday, man, someday. When you're outta here and you've forgotten all about this place. And they forgotten about you and you're wrapped up in your own pathetic life. I'm gonna be there. That's right. And I'm gonna kick the living shit out of you, man, I'm gonna knock your dick in the dirt!" Snoke threaten to Ben. 

"Are you threatening me?" Ben growled at Snoke.

"What're you gonna do about it? You think anybody's gonna believe you? You think anybody's gonna take your world over mine? I'm a man of respect around here. They love me around here, I'm a swell guy. You're a lying sack of shit! And everybody knows it. Oh, you're a real tough guy. Come on, come on. Get on your feet, pal! Let's find out how tough you are! I wanna know how tough you are! I wanna know right now, how tough you are! Come on! I'll give you the first punch, let's go! Come on, right here, just take the first shot! Please, I'm begging you, take a shot! Come on, just take one shot, that's all I need, just one swing." Snoke taunts at him.

Ben just sits there staring at Snoke. Snoke fakes a punch and Ben flinches.

"That's what I thought. You're a gutless turd!" Snoke said.

He leaves and locks the closet door after him. Ben climbs into a hatch in the ceiling and disappears.

At the heating duct

Ben is slowly crawling through a heating duct.

"A naked blond walks into the bar, with a poodle under one arm and a two foot salami under the other. She lays the poodle on the table. Bartender says: "I suppose you won't be needing a drink." The naked lady says..." Ben said until the ceiling under him gives and he falls through.

"Oh shit!!!" He screams.

At the facility bathroom

"Jesus Christ, allmighty!" Snoke shouted. 

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