Running Around The Hallway

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At Snoke's office...

Snoke puts an orange in his mouth and then attempts to pour coffee out of his thermos. The top comes off and the coffee goes all over his desk. 

"Oh, shit!" Principal Snoke shouted and went to the hallway talking to himself.

"Coffee... Looks like they scrape it off the bottom of the Mississippi river. Everything's polluted, everything's polluted...the coffee." He said to himself. Ben comes out of the library doors followed by Rey, Phasma, Hux, Poe and Finn. Ben and Rey are walking next to each other. Poe, Finn and Hux are walking next to each other and at the end of the line, and Phasma is following.

"How do you know where Snoke went?" Rey asked to Ben.

"I don't..." Ben said to her.

"Well then, how do you know when he'll be back?" She asked him once again.

"I don't...being bad feels pretty good, huh?" He said to her.

"What's the point in going to Ben's locker?" Poe asked Hux.

"Beats me..." Hux said to him.

"This is so stupid...Why do you think, why are we risking getting caught?" Finn asked him.

"I dunno..." Hux said to Finn.

"So then what are we doing?" Poe asked Hux once again as Hux started to get angry at them.

"You two ask me one more question and I'm beating the shit out of you both!" Hux shout at them.

"Sorry..." Finn said as he, Poe, Phasma, Hux, Rey and Ben opens his locker.

"Slob!" Hux yell at Ben.

"My maid's on a vacation." Ben mocked him as he pulls out a bag of marijuana.

"Drugs." Poe said to him.

"Screw that Solo put it back!" Hux shout at Ben as he is walking away.

"Drugs....the emo had marijuana." Finn said as Rey walks after Ben.

"That was marijuana!" Poe said.

"Shut up!" Hux yelled at him as he follow Ben and Rey. Finn and Poe look at Phasma who is standing there with her mouth open.

"Do you approve of this?" Finn asked her as he and Poe turns and leave. Phasma steals the lock off of Ben's locker. as Ben, Rey, Hux, Phasma, Finn and Poe walking down the hall.

"We'll cross through the lab, and then we'll double back." Ben said to them.

"You better be right, if Snoke cuts us off it's your fault, asshole!" Hux said to Ben.

"What'd he say? Where are we going?" Finn asked Rey.

They see Snoke down one of the halls causing them to running around and seeing Snoke until they stop.

"Wait! Wait, hold it! Hold it! We have to go through the cafeteria!" Ben points at the cafeteria to Rey, Hux, Finn, Poe and Phasma.

"No, the activities hall." Hux said pointing at the activities hall.

"Hey man, you don't know what you're talking about!" Ben argues with Hux.

"No you don't know what you're talking about!" Hux argued with Ben back as Phasma squeaks.

"Now we're through listening to you, we're going this way." Hux said as he, Rey, Ben, Phasma, Poe and Finn go Hux's way and run into a hall closed by an iron gate.

"Shit!" Hux growled.

"Great idea Jagoff!" Ben yell at him.

"Fuck you!" Hux screamed at him.

"Fuck you! Why didn't you listen to Ben?" Rey shouted to Hux.

"We're dead!" Finn said to them.

"No! Just me!" Ben said.

"What do you mean?" Poe asked him.

"Get back to the library, keep your unit on this!" Ben ordered them and puts his bag of marijuana into Poe's underwear as he runs away singing loudly "Well I was there on the day..." as Snoke hear Ben while Hux, Rey, Phasma, Poe and Finn run back to the library.

"That son of a bitch!" Snoke mumbled. He began to look for Ben until he finds him in the gym. Ben is going up for a basket.

"Three, two, one!" Ben shouted and dunks the ball. Snoke enters.

"Solo! Solo! Solo! What is this? What are you doing here? What is this?" Snoke shouts at him.

"Oh, hi!" Ben said.

"Out! That's it Solo! Out, it's over!" Snoke shouted at him.

"Don't you wanna hear my excuse?" Ben mock at him.

"Out!" Snoke yell at him.

"I'm thinking of trying out for a scholarship." Ben said.

"Gimmie the ball, Solo." Snoke commanded at him but Ben fakes the ball at him. He then sets the ball down and rolls it at Snoke who kicks it back at him. They both leave the gym.

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