Parents' Impression

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"Here's my impression of life at Big Poe's house." Ben said.

"Son!" He said in a loud and a friendly voice. 

"Yeah dad?" He said in a kiddie voice.

"How's your day, pal?" He said in a loud voice.

"Great Dad, how's yours?" He said in kiddie voice.

"Super, say son, how'd you like to go fishing this weekend?" He said in a loud voice.

"Great Dad, but I've got homework to do." He said in a kiddie voice.

"That's all right son, you can do it, on the boat!" He said in a loud voice.

"Geee!!!" He said in a kiddie voice.

"Dear, isn't our son swell?" He said in a a quiet and motherly voice.

"Yes Dear, isn't Life swell?" He said in a loud voice.

Ben mimes mother kissing father and then father kissing mother and then father punching mother in the face. But suddenly it wasn't funny anymore since Finn, Poe, Rey, Phasma and Hux stare at him and didn't laughed at him.

"Alright, what about your family?" Hux asked Ben about his family as Ben stands again and points forward.

"Stupid, worthless, no good, Goddamned, freeloaded, son of a bitch, retarded, big mouth, know it all, asshole, jerk!" Ben said as he mimic his father. 

"You forgot ugly, lazy and disrespectful." Ben said as he mimic his mother.

Ben slams his hand back to slap his invincible mother.

"Shut up bitch! Go fix me a turkey pot pie!" Ben said as his father.

"What about you dad?" He said as himself.

"Fuck you!" He said as his father.

"No, Dad, what about you?" He said as himself.

"Fuck you!" He said as his father.

"No, Dad, what about you?" He yelled as himself.

"Fuck you!" He yelled as his father as he reaches out and pretend to be his father hitting him.

"Is this for real?" Poe said.

"You wanna come over sometime?" Ben said to Poe.

"That's bullshit. It's all part of your image, I don't believe a word of it." Hux said as Ben turned to him.

Ben actually looked hurt.

"You don't believe me?" He asked Hux.

"No." Hux said.

"No?" Ben said.

"Did I stutter?" Hux said as Ben come overs to Hux and rolls up his right sleeve to reveal a circular shaped burn.

"Do you believe this? Huh? It's about the size of a cigar. Do I stutter? You see, this is what what you get in my house when you spill paint in the garage." Ben said as he began to walk away.

"See I don't think that I need to sit here with you fuckin' dildos anymore!" Ben shouted as he walks over to a map table and throws all the maps on the floor. He climbs up on top of the table and then up to the second floor balcony.

"You shouldn't have said that!" Rey began to argued with Hux.

"How would I know, I mean he lies about everything anyway!" Hux said as he argued back at Rey.

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