The Group Of Six

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In the library

Poe, Finn, Phasma, Hux, Rey and Ben are sitting on a floor in a circle.

"What would I do for a million bucks? Well, I guess I'd do as little as I had to..." Hux said.

That's boring." Rey said.

"Well, How am I supposed to answer?" Hux asked.

"The idea is to like search your mind for the absolute limit. Like, uh, would you drive to school naked?" Rey replied to him as he laughed.

"Um, uh...would I have to get out of the car?" Hux asked her.

"Of course..." she answered.

"In the spring, or winter?" He asked.

"It doesn't matter...spring..." She said.

"In front of the school or in back of the school?" Hux asked her again.

"Either one." Rey said.

Yes..." He said happily.

"I'd do that!" Phasma said as they all look at her.

I'll do anything sexual, I don't need million dollars to do it either." She said.

"You're lying." Rey said.

"I already have...I've done just about everything there is except a few things that are illegal...I'm a nymphomaniac." Phasma said as Rey began to roll her eyes.

"Lie..." Rey argued at Phasma.

"Are your parents aware of this?" Finn asked Phasma.

"The only person I told was my shrink." She answered.

"And what'd he do when you told him?" Hux asked.

"He nailed me." Phamsa answered.

"Very nice..." Rey said.

"I don't think that from a legal standpoint what he did can be construed as rape since I paid him." Phasma said.

"He's an adult!" Rey protested as Phamsa is relishing this attention.

"Yeah...he's married too." Phamsa said as Rey noted her disgust.

"Do you have any idea how completely gross that is?" Rey asked her.

"Well, the first few times..." Phasma said.

"First few times? You mean he did it more than one?" Rey said.

"Sure." Phasma said.

"Are you crazy?" Rey argued to Phasma.

"Obviously she's crazy if she's screwing her shrink..." Poe said.

"Have you ever done it?" Phasma asked to Rey.

"I don't even have a psychiatrist." Rey answered.

"Have you ever done it with a normal person?" Phasma asked her.

"Now, didn't we already cover this?" Rey said.

"You never answered the question." Ben said to her.

"Look, I'm not gonna discuss my private life with total strangers." Rey complained.

"It's kind of a double-edged sword, isn't it?" Phasma said.

"A what?" Rey asked in confusion.

"Well, if you say you haven''re a prude. If you say you're a slut! It's a trap. You want to but you can't but when you do you wish you didn't, right?" Phasma said.

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