Chapter 1

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I was hidden under the bed by myself while my little brother Ben and sister Clara hid in the closet. I could hear footsteps and saw the black boots of two men walk into the room. My parents were sitting on the bed preparing for what was about to come. When I think back, they probably knew they were going to die. The way they ran into the room forcing us to hide made it clear as day. My heart was beating so loud that I was surprised the men hadn't already found me. 

"You know why we're here Bainbridge. You went against us and now it's time for us to follow through on our warnings." I remember frowning in confusion and beginning to feel immense fear. My dad was the perfect king, what had he done wrong? 

I heard a click and then my world began to fall apart as two shots fired. My parents dead bodies fell to the floor right in front of me, covering my only escape if needed. Their blood began spreading across the floor so I quickly and quietly moved as far under the bed as possible. My vision became blurry from tears. 

One of the deep voices spoke again, "They had kids. Find them." My eyes widened as they opened the door to the closet. I could see my baby brother and sister looking up at the men with scared, pleading eyes. I gulped and let the tears fall as I watched the remaining people in my family die. I prepared myself for the second they would kneel and look under the bed for me, but it never came. Instead I heard the ring of a phone. 

"Shit. We need to take this and then we'll find the girl." The voice was new and the person sounded older than the other. I shivered as I thought over my options. 1:Wait here and die a quick death or 2:Run and fight to stay alive. I chose option 2. I rolled out from under the bed, and was forced to climb over my parents to do so. I avoiding as much blood as possible and quickly examined the room. There was a glass door leading to the woods and after looking at my family one last time, I unlocked it and pulled it open. Only one problem, it hadn't been opened in a year, so of course, it made a horrible, loud noise. My stomach fell and I began to sprint as fast as my legs could take me. 

Someone behind me yelled, "Hey get the fuck back here!" I didn't slow down, if anything I sped up. I heard a gunshot, but I was too far away to worry. I turned as I continued to run and made out two figures, both male with dark hair. One looked about 50 and the other looked to be in his mid 20's. Both had green eyes and the younger male was laced with tattoos. I imprinted what I could see of their faces into my memory. As I ran away and they faded from sight, the last thing I remember was a threat that still haunts me: "We'll find you." 

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