Chapter 10

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Thea's POV:

I woke up and looked around my room. All of a sudden a smile appeared on my face as I thought about last night. 'Goodnight princess.' Ugh my heart was so full. I was so tired last night that I fell asleep in his car, and the last thing I remember from the ride was him putting his hand on my thigh gently, to let me know he was still there. When he got out of the car to talk to Lina I was awake though, wide awake. And I was only pretending to be asleep when he carried me to my room. I'm surprised I managed not to smile. When he kissed me on my forehead and whispered goodnight to me I lost it though. It was just too dark in my room for him to see. If I was really sleeping, I would never have known he did that. It was completely unnecessary, but so sweet. Yesterday was just... perfect. 

I rose from my bed and took a quick shower. Today Cora was coming over, and I was so excited. I never got to have a best friend as a princess. This was the thing I missed out most on when it came to a kid's childhood. The day I found out my mom was having twins was like the best day of my life. They were my best friends. It made me so sad that they would never get the chance to experience life. I guess I would just have to live my life for all three of us now. I would carry them through my life on my shoulders. My two beautiful guardian angels. 

It was at that moment that I realized they never had a funeral. None of my family did. That was not okay, I wouldn't stand for it. 

I slowly declined down the stairs because my whole body was sore, and rushed as fast as I could  to Lina's office. 

"Lina. We need to have a funeral for our family. A small one, just me and you. Please?" I looked at her with pleading eyes. 

"I agree sweetheart. We can go tomorrow after school." I gave her a thankful smile and walked out of the room just as I heard a knock. I opened the door and let Cora in.

"Hey girl! You have sooo much to catch me up on. I'm so excited."  She smiled brightly at me and clapped her hands. 

We went up to my room and I put on the radio before sitting down on the bed next to her. 

"Okay Thea. Start from the beginning. I'll try not to interrupt." I giggled and thought about where I should start. 

"Okay well he brought me to this amusement park. Ya know, one with roller coasters. And we talked a lot on lines about all of our favorite things. So I know more about him now. And he held my hand a lot, and he paid for the tickets which was really sweet." 

She just smiled and listened until I stopped talking. Then she frowned in confusion.

"You are not telling me that was the whole date. Where's all the juicy details?" 

"Okay well I got nervous on the first ride because it was my first time ever going on a roller coaster, so he kissed me as a distraction." I wanted to add in that he smiled, but I felt like that would be wrong. It seemed like he didn't like showing his emotions to people he didn't know, so it would feel wrong telling Cora. 

"Oh my god, no way!! What kind of kiss was it?" She gave me a suggestive grin and a funny looking wink. 

"It wasn't too long, only about 10 seconds. And we didn't use tongue or anything. If you haven't noticed, I'm sort of inexperienced, and he know's that too. He's not rushing me. But that doesn't mean it wasn't great. It was sort of like this feeling of electricity ran through me when it happened. I forgot all about the ride." I smiled as I reminisced. 

"Wow, you really like him already. This is so cute. I call being the maid of honor at your wedding!" She raised her hand excitedly. 

I laughed along with her, "Of course Cora. The position's all yours." 

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