Chapter 4

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                                                                                       Thea's POV

I woke up for my third day of school and got dressed in an all black outfit. It wasn't mean looking though, just fashionable. As I put in my contacts, I let my mind roam to Ares. The second I saw him, fear consumed me. He looked so similar to the young guy that tried to kill me, especially with his tattoos. It was alarming at first, and when he asked about my parents, I couldn't help but get suspicious. Maybe he was just really curious. I did have to admit though, he was the most attractive guy I had ever seen. So yeah, maybe dressing in all black had to do with him. 

After having some breakfast and saying a quick goodbye to Lina, I began the walk to school. A few seconds after I had started walking, I heard a honk and saw a Ferrari park next to me. 

"Hop in." It was then that I noticed who the driver was. I hopped in with a quick thank you. 

I felt the leather on the seat before saying, "this car is so beautiful." 

"I know." Wow, he's great at conversations. 

He turned to look at me for a second, eyeing me up and down before finally looking into my eyes. Then he turned his attention back to the road with a sigh, "you look alright." 

"Alright?" I frowned  

He shrugged, "don't expect me to compliment you. I'm not into that sappy shit. Alright means you look... well fuck, you look good. Happy?" 

I smiled, happy with his response. "Is it really that hard for you to be nice?" 

"I just felt myself fucking die inside princess. So yes, it's extremely hard for me." 

My eyes widened, "princess?" A crease formed on my forehead as I turned to look at him. Fear immediately swelled inside me. 

"Yeah, it's just a nickname." He gave me a funny look, "you're all preppy and perfect so I thought it would fit you." 

"Wow thanks. I'd like to think being called a princess is a compliment but I guess not." I rolled my eyes jokingly. 

Ares parked the car and we hopped out and walked to class together. A question made its way to my head, "why don't you smile? Or laugh for that matter." I tried to say it as politely as possible, but I knew I was being pushy. I was just curious. 

"It's simple. I don't fucking want to. Why do you even give a shit anyway?" He looked at me with a glare. I guess I poked a nerve? 

"I was just curious. I want to see what you look like when you're smiling, I bet it'd be nice." I smiled and nudged him lightly as we entered our first class. 

"Sorry princess, but I haven't smiled in years, and I don't plan on doing it either." He looked me in the eyes angrily like I had asked him the most personal question ever. I wondered what could have happened to make him so emotionless. I wanted to be the one to make him smile, I was determined to. 

We took our seats in government class and began listening to Mrs. Simms as she talked about the tests yesterday.

"I was really disappointed actually," uh oh. "How is it that the top grades came from the two people that weren't even here to learn the material?" Oh, phew. "Well done you two," she whispered as she gave us our tests. "Overall, we obviously need to study more," she said with a sigh after finishing her walk around the class handing back tests. 

I looked down at the sheet of paper on my desk. I got a hundred! I did a happy dance in my seat and looked at Ares with a huge smile and two thumbs up. He just gave me one thumb up before turning his attention back to Mrs. Simms. Okay so being weird won't make him smile, gosh I thought that made everyone smile. 

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