Chapter 15

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Thea's POV

As Ares drove through the streets in his bright red Ferrari, I began to realize I really knew nothing about him. Besides Marty and May, I had never been told about any of his family, or other important people in his life. Why had he gotten so upset when I had mentioned his mom. I guess I would have to be patient with him. 

When we came to a stop, I reentered reality, and gasped as I took in the sight of me. There in front of me was a huge mansion, big enough for a family of 20. It was no where as large as my castle, and yet, it still reminded me of home. As we walked inside, I took in the view with awe. The house was beautiful. I looked over at Ares with a bewildered look. "You live here alone?"

He gave me a smug smile before shaking his head no. "Of course not. I live here with Apollo." As soon as he said the name, a dog much larger than I had expected came sprinting down the stairs. My father had never allowed us to have a family pet due to his allergies, so I had never gotten to play with anything larger than a tiny purse dog that relatives would bring to dinners at the castle. This dog was bigger than 10 of those tiny little ones. Ares bent down to pet him and the smile that made my day brighter appeared on his face. 

I put out my hand and let Apollo sniff it and when he seemed to accept my presence I finally began to feel calm enough to pet him. 

"I thought you'd be more scared," Ares said with disappointment. 

I rolled my eyes. Of course my fear would entertain him. I should have expected this honestly. It's not like he gave me a direct answer when I asked if he was small. "A few months ago I would have hidden under the table from him, but recently I've seen much worse things than a dog. This is nothing really. Sorry to ruin your fun." I smiled smugly and nudged his shoulder.

"Hmm alright well, while you're here, why don't I give you a tour." I hadn't even realized that we were still standing right at the entrance of the house. I nodded excitedly.

"Ya know, this would be a great place to play hide and go seek." I gave him a suggestive look. 

He gave me a weird look, " you do know we're in high school right? I mean you're 17 and I'm 18. Don't you think we've maxed out on the age to play that game? And besides even when I was young enough, my dad never let me or my brother play shit like that. He said it was a waste of time." 

I looked up at him to see a slight frown forming. I hadn't expected him to share something about his family, and by the looks of it, he didn't mean to talk about them either. 

"Well I play this game with my brother and sister all the and it used to be so fun. Our.. house is about this size and there are so many places to hide." I frowned when it all came crashing down on me, "they had all the places in the world to hide and yet they still always hid together in the same place. They would sit in the closet, holding hands, and I would have to take 10 minutes looking in random places pretending not to know where they were. They were always so cute when I would open up the door and find them. They had the most innocent eyes." I hadn't realized that a tear had rolled down my cheek until Ares was in front of me, wiping it away. "Sorry," I whispered as I tried to get myself together.

Ares gave me a look that confused me before speaking, "I always assumed you were an only child. You've never talked about them before. What are there names?" He seemed concerned but I couldn't help but feel like there was also an underlying reason for his question. I wanted to trust him, but I with the overwhelming fact that trust in the wrong person could end my life, I decided against it... However, what he said about me being an only child made me upset rather than suspicious. What was I now? An orphaned only child? I had no one. 

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