Chapter 9

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Ares' POV: the next day

I walked into the mansion after getting a call from my father to come over. I didn't want to see him right now, especially after yesterday. Who the fuck does he think he is telling me what to do. I live by myself and take care of myself, he's basically just a business partner. The same goes for my sorry excuse of a brother too. 

I sighed as I opened the door to his office, "what now?" 

"Sit down son. We have a lot to discuss. You're brother will be here any minute, but until then, how's school going?" I gave him a weird look. It wasn't like him to check up on my well being. 

"It's going," I answered. I raised an eyebrow and smirked. I loved being petty, especially with him. 

"You better not flunk out because I'm sure the princess isn't taking the dumb people classes." He gave me a strict look causing me to roll my eyes. No one in my family knew how smart I was, and I don't even think they would care if I told them. It's not like I would be going to college or anything though, I had to help out with my father's stupid business. One day he expected me to take over because even though he didn't know the extent of how smart I was, he still knew it was more than my dimwitted brother. 

"I won't dad. Don't you worry." I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see Zane walking in. Considering the fact that I had to pull him to his chair, I'm pretty sure he was hammered or stoned... maybe both. 

"Someone got lit last night." I smirked amusedly and gave him a high five. 

"That's enough boys. We have business to attend to." My father seemed a lot less fascinated with Zane's condition than I was. 

"Ares, have you found any potential princesses?" I looked at my dad silently, wondering what I should do. 

"Why are we looking for her exactly?" I asked. 

"You know the answer to that Ares. You come to all of the business meetings."

"But we don't even need anymore money father so it's not like the King really hurt us. We're rolling in riches. You gave me your fucking hand me down Ferrari." I said it calmly, but I couldn't help but add in a little venom to my quiet voice. 

"This isn't just about money Ares, it's also about reputation. We have people counting on us. We can't appear weak. That's when people try to rise up against us. Now stop being such a fucking baby like your mother and do as I say." I twitched in my seat and gripped the chair handles for dear life. My heart was beating rapidly and my jaw was clenched shut to prevent me from barking back. I could never go against my father. He was rich and had people all over the world working for him. I had no escape from this horrible life, except for death. And that wasn't even a real option for me. It was out of the question. 

"I have nothing to say about the princess. I have no advances or leads as of right now. I'll notify you if anything changes." I lied and I had no regrets about it. I spun the chair around to face the door and stood up swiftly. I began walking towards the door when I remembered something. 

I turned back around to look at my father, "oh I forgot to ask. How did you and Zane kill the parents?" I raised an eyebrow and smirked. I didn't want him getting suspicious of me knowing more than I let on. 

"Well we shot them of course. No torture was really necessary because the deal I made with the king meant I would get something I wanted whether he ended up dead or alive." He smirked menacingly. It made a chill run down my spine. 

"Zane and I shot the kids too. It was obvious they were hidden in the room, they cried when the guns went off," he laughed. The asshole laughed. "I didn't really have to kill them, but  they knew too much, so safety comes first. It was a mess in there, blood everywhere. We didn't even have the stomachs to clean all that shit up." 

"Where was the princess hiding?" 

"I'm not exactly sure because she escaped by the time we came back in the room. But the only place to hide in the room other than in the closet was under the bed. She probably had to crawl around in blood to get out from under there too. Pretty gross if you ask me. I will tell you one thing though, the girl can run." He said the whole thing nonchalantly, like it meant nothing. He was ruthless, and I didn't want anything to do with him. I didn't want to become him, and when I looked in the mirror, I was starting to see a perfect reflection of him instead of myself staring back. It was like being in a nightmare that I could never wake up from. Falling without being able to stop, being killed and not being able to scream, seeing a train and not being able to move. I was stuck. Forever. 

"Sounds like I missed a lot of fun," I laughed along with him. "Bye dad." 

Once I finally exited the room and shut the door behind me, I leaned back against the wall and let out a deep breath. Her whole family was killed, not just her parents. I didn't even know she had siblings because they never came up in meetings. They were obviously unimportant so why did he have to kill them. This only made me hate him more. 

As I walked out of the mansion the sound of my father yelling echoed against the walls. 

"Wake the hell up Zane!!!" 

I laughed, realizing that my brother was probably not hearing any of this. He wouldn't wake up for an hour at least with the amount of shit he probably consumed earlier. I could tell he was gone the second he opened the damn door. 

I started driving home, but then got the sudden urge to talk to a friend. Well my fake friend anyway. I decided to make a call.

"Hey man. You wanna come over?" 

"Yeah that sounds good to me. What time you thinking?" 


"Oh shit haha. Yeah alright I'll just go change and then come over. What's your address?" 

I typed it in at a red light and quickly pressed send. 

"It sent, right?" 

"Yeah I'll see you in a few." 

Clay wasn't my favorite person in the world, but he knew how to get lit. After a few beers, me and him would be best buds. 

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