Chapter 11

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Thea's POV:

I closed and locked the my front door and turned to begin my walk to school. Sitting in his Ferrari waiting for me was Ares, looking happy as ever. With a smile I walked towards his car and hopped in. 

"Is this going to be a regular thing from now on?"

"It might as well be, you live on my way anyway." He said all grumpily as he looked at me through his sunglasses. The sun is no where to be found today, so he must be hungover. 

"How much did you drink last night?" I asked curiously. 

"Too much princess, way too much." 

We arrived at school and walked to class hand in hand. As we entered government, I took my regular seat next to Cora. "Hey Cora! Did you know who hug you yet?" I giggled at her embarrassed state. She was acting like he was going to propose to her or something. But then again, Ares' hug made me feel like jello so I'm not really one to talk. 

"I don't see him until lunch. Thea I'm so nervous... what if he was too drunk to even remember? Does Ares remember anything from last night?" She asked as she nodded her head to my left. 

I decided to turn to him and whisper, "hey Ares, do you remember last night when you called?" He looked at me through his sunglasses and nodded slowly. 

"Yeah, I don't forget things when I'm drunk. Why?" 

"Does Clay remember?" All of a sudden he understood what I was getting at and smirked. 

"Ohhh Cora wants to know if Clay remembers about their hug. How adorable."

"Excuse me back there, do you two have something more important to discuss than the class?" 

"Yes," Ares said in annoyance. I didn't have to see his eyes to know he was rolling them. 

"Ares, I won't stand for your attitude. No more talking, and please remove your glasses." Mrs. Simms put her hand on her hip to show that she meant business, but it only pushed Ares further.  

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. I can't take the glasses off, they're protecting me from the sun." Ares said as he put his hands up in defense. 

"What happened tough guy? Do you have a black eye?" The guy from lunch asked with a smirk. Yikes, he must have a death wish or something.

"I'm hungover you little bitch and if you don't shut the fuck up, you're gonna be the one with a black eye." Ares stood from his chair and threw his glasses off as he glared at the guy in front of us who was now standing as well. 

"Calm down guys. We're in class," I said as I stood between them and tried to calm them down so a fight wouldn't break out over nothing. 

"Fuck off Thea, no one cares about you. You're irrelevant," the guy with no name barked at me. I was taken aback by his sudden outburst and I immediately became just as angry as Ares. If not more... No one had ever spoken down to me so rudely and I would not stand for it. 

"Irrelevant!?! I'm far from irrelevant you asshole. I could buy your house ten times for fun!" I glared at him with pure hatred before realizing what had just come out of my mouth.

Confused eyes turned to me from around the room. "It's an exaggeration people, don't take it seriously... the point is that I am definitely NOT irrelevant. If anyone in here is though, it's you!" I said pointing to the boy. No one seemed to be suspicious about my earlier comment thank goodness. "Ares and I don't even know your name, and we've been at your lunch table for a week. So go fuck yourself, if you haven't already. After all, there's no girls lining up to do it for you." I smirked and sat down victoriously. I considered myself to be one of the nicest people, but speak to me the wrong way and a switch will flip in my brain releasing the beast. I was proud of my bitchiness every once and a while. Now was definitely one of those times. 

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