Chapter 3

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 Ares' POV:

I walked into the mansion that has been hectic since last week. I couldn't even understand what anyone would want from some preppy little princess. What man would even want anything to do with her?  If she could outsmart my dad and brother we should just forget about her.

"What the fuck do you want dad?" I entered his office with a frown and it was obvious I looked pissed, probably because I was. I was fucking this hot brunette when he called me, his exact words were: "Get the fuck here now, or i'll shoot Apollo." Like what the fuck. He knew my dog was the only person I cared about since mom, and he used it against me every chance he got.

"You didn't think you'd get off so easily did you? It was your call that allowed the princess to escape." 

"Of course you'd say shit like this. Only one of you needed to answer the damn phone call. It was you're fucking stupidity that helped her get away." I rolled my eyes.

"Doesn't matter. We're checking towns everywhere, and we're looking through schools first assuming that she'll enroll in one to blend in.  In most cases, my men are being sent in as teachers. But the little town of Oakheart is where she's most expected to be. I want to send in someone I can trust, so son, you're going back to school.  I'll give you keys to a mansion there, even though it's only like 20 minutes from here."

I put out my hand and demanded, "and car keys" I looked him dead in the eye, basically telling him silently that I wouldn't accept without a car. And not just any car, a Ferrari. 

"Fuck, fine. Crash it and you'll become my new man hunt. Don't think I'm joking." 

"Yup. Gotta go get ready for hell." He tossed me the keys and I walked out of the mansion. I hopped in the new car, driving away from my old piece of shit out in the parking lot. Finding this princess should be easy. 

The Next Morning:

I woke up with a groan and threw my alarm across the room. Waking up early sucked. I got ready to go and pulled open my dresser before leaving. I looked down at the picture of the princess. Blonde with green eyes. I had to admit she was hot, her picture wouldn't be hard to remember. I locked up the house after saying my goodbyes to Apollo, and hopped in my new baby. The car drove effortlessly to my destination and I walked with confidence into the high school. I may have to be here for a job, but that didn't mean I have to act like a loser. 

I met with the principle and got my schedule, and then walked around scanning the students. I could see girls eyes on me, and a few jealous guys, but I could care less. I knew I was attractive, and my tattoos apparently made girls go even crazier, but right now all I was focused on was finding this girl. I was so glued on the people at their lockers that I forgot to look in front of me. I looked down to see a brunette with medium length hair rushing to pick up her books. A nice person would've helped her. I just watched. 

After she was done, she stood up and I saw her face for the first time. She had the brightest blue eyes and she looked up at me with fear. She was acting like she was looking at a frickin ghost. She had something about her that reminded me of the photo I saw earlier, but I pushed it back. I was looking for someone blonde with green eyes. 

"I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going. I was trying to find my class and I" 

I cut her off, "you're new?" I raised my eyebrow. She just nodded slowly at me, she seemed to be reading me as much as I was reading her. 

I grabbed her schedule and looked down at it. We had all the same fucking classes, maybe it was because they were the only empty ones. Lucky me. "Me too. This fucking school is so big, it's like a damn hotel." I looked at her and noticed that she flinched when I said 'fuck'. 

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