Chapter 2

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I woke up in my aunt Lina's guest bedroom. She had never liked the whole royalty thing and left her old life to settle down in a small town outside of the kingdom. Her home would be safe, because her name was secretly changed a few years back. Today was the day I would be getting a makeover, so that like my aunt, I would start a new life. I was traumatized and hadn't left the house since I got here a week ago. However, Lina thought it would help me blend in if I went to school like all the other kids my age. Tomorrow would be my first day. I didn't know if it would be possible for me to fit in, but I knew I had to try. I couldn't hide in this room forever. 

I looked in the mirror at my reflection. My naturally straight blonde hair and green eyes were a part of me. My eyes were passed down by my dad, and my hair from my mom. I was a perfect mix of them. I loved being royal, I loved being pampered and wearing fancy clothes, but most of all, I loved my family. Because of something my dad may or may not have done, I would have to give all of those things up. 

My hair would be dyed a brown color, and I would begin wearing it with its natural waves instead of straightening it like I always did. I would start wearing blue contacts to hide the green underneath. I would stop wearing my regular makeup, because if the men coming after me had seen my picture, they would recognize me right away with it on. I would ultimately become someone new. Goodbye Rosalie Bainbridge and hello Thea Atkins. I picked the name myself, and thought it would fit me well. It was something I wanted to name my future daughter one day. 

Using the new phone Lina gave me, I took one final picture and hid it in a text to myself. Just a reminder of who I once was. 

                                                               (Her before the makeover)

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                                                               (Her before the makeover)

Lina came into the room with a smile on her face and the supplies I would need. Hair dye, contacts, and of course, new clothes. Apparently girls my age shopped at places like Pacsun and Urban Outfitters so she got stuff from there. Personally, I preferred some Gucci and Louis Vuitton, but these would do. We worked for about an hour doing my hair, and I learned how to put my contacts in and take them out. I also picked out an outfit for my first day tomorrow. I had to admit, my aunt had style. 

The Next Morning

I woke up with a groan and hit my alarm. One thing I may never get used to is getting up at the crack of dawn. I rolled out of bed and put on my new outfit, a little mascara and my contacts. Lina insisted on taking a first day of school picture so I posed for her with a smile on my face. I hadn't smiled for a whole week, and although it was just for a picture, it still felt good. 

"Aw sweet heart you look beautiful." She gave me a kiss on the cheek and texted me the picture. I looked down at myself with a grin. I sort of liked my new look. 


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