Kevin Is A Mind Reader??

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Freyas POV

I heard the door bell ring and I quickly put in my earrings before rushing to the door, its not like I was excited to see Kevin or anything. I just hated whenever my mother would answer the door, she always tried to make small talk which was always really really awkward.

"Hey," I said catching a little bit of my breath.

"Hey!" he smiled. "by the way when I said meet the band, I meant hang out with them today too, so try not to be too mean to them ok?"

Did he just call me mean? I thought.

" you think Im mean?" I questioned him.

" can be sometimes, but sometimes you're pretty chill." he replied.

I cant believe he just said that to my face! I thought to my self angrily.

I rolled my eyes at him, but he didn't seem to be fazed.

Before we got out of the car he got a hold of my wrist. "hey, I know you're upset with me but please just be friendly and open with them? because to be honest Alix isn't afraid to get all sassy to your face." he warned.

I yanked my hand out of his grip. "whatever." I said letting out an annoyed sigh.

He opened the door for me and I bumped my shoulder into his purposely with a little force.

"Cut it out!" he 'whisper yelled' at me.

"Don't tell me what to do!" I 'whisper yelled' back.

"Just please be cool! Im trying to help you!"

"Leave me alone!" we kept 'whisper yelling' at each other before a guy with wire tattoos cam and said hi to us. Really? I thought to myself. Wire tattoos? How old were you? 16?

"Sup man?" Kevin greeted his friend with a 'bro hug'. "This is Freya, the girl I told you about."

"Uh, hi.." I said, I was kind of in shock. He talked about me? I asked myself rhetorically.

"Its nice to meet you." he said, he didn't look very happy..and I guess Kevin can read minds because he whispered in my ear: "don't be offended, he never smiles, like, ever."

I nodded. "Got it.."

"Im Evan," he finally said. "I do the electronics in Ghost Town."

"Oh, thats cool." I said forcing a compliment.

Kevins POV

I was so glad Freya decided to at least try and be nice to the guys, I just hope this 'kindness' would be able to last the whole day..

I showed Freya around the house and by the end of the 'tour' we went back into the living room and I introduced her the the rest of the band.

"The dude with the dreads is called Manny, he plays the drums." I said, "and the last one is Alix, he plays guitar.

"Thats cool." she said forcing a smile. "Im Freya."

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