Alix Is A Wizard??

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Kevins POV

"Uh, yea.." I opened the door further and she sat down on the couch, I closed the door and sat next to her.

"Im sorry about before." she started. "I know you were just trying to be nice and all and I really did have fun going bowling with you guys..I just don't know, Im not really used to that stuff I guess."

"I know..and that ok, Im sorry too I-" she cut me off.

"No, don't, you didn't do anything wrong. I really needed that."

"Well how about that bowling rematch then?" I asked trying to lighten the mood. As much as I thought I hated her, to be honest I didn't like seeing her like this.

She just laughed.

"Come on I'll take you back home and you can get dressed." I smiled.

"Really?" she seemed surprised.

"Yea, really. I accept your apology now come on! Alix has been looking forward to a rematch he said he claims to be a master now." I laughed at the thought of him trying to bowl again and so did Freya.

Freyas POV

I have to admit I was excited to go bowling with the guys again. But after last time I decided not to wear a dress..It was just too hard to bowl in.

It took my a while and lots of searching around my room to find a regular pair of pants..honestly I owned almost only skirts and dresses, But I ended up finding a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and threw on a plain white V-neck and black ballet flats. I didn't have time to do my hair, and I didn't want to keep Kevin or the guys waiting, so I just put my hair up in a loose ponytail and didn't bother with makeup.

On my way out of my room I grabbed a pair of socks and stuffed them in my bag before heading down the stairs.

"You ready?" he asked me with a smile.

"Yep!" I replied smiling back.

There was a pretty long awkward silence during the car ride back to his place but eventually he came up with something to say.

"So, why don't you get your own place?" He asked.

"well," I started. "Im really focusing on school right now so I don't have the time for a job and the money to pay the rent...And my parents don't believe in giving me money without earning it. So an apartment for me wont be happening until I graduate."

"Ohh," he said tilting his head back a little. "When do you graduate?"

"In a few months." I replied. "And I don't plan on getting a masters or doctorates or anything like that so I should be done with school completely in a few months."

"Thats cool, you know you could move in with us if you want to." he suggested with a smile.

"No, really its ok. My mom and I have been keeping and eye on a few places I could stay."

"Ya sure?" he asked.

"Yea, Im sure."

"Well if you change your mind don't be afraid to ask. The answer will always be yes ok?"

"Okay, thanks." I smiled. "I'll be sure to remember that."

It was silent again for the next few minutes of the car ride before finally arriving at his house. I could see Alix's face basically pressed against the window eying us as we pulled into the driveway then bolting to the door.

"Did you see Alix?" I asked laughing a little.

"Yea, hes like our little puppy, except this time I think hes just ready for that rematch." he laughed, and so did I.

When Kevin opened the door Alix was on the floor sitting with his legs pulled towards his chest and his chin resting on his knees. He gave us both 'puppy dog eyes' before saying. "Rematch?"

I chuckled. "Yes, rematch."

Alixs eyes quickly widened and he sprung up from the floor squealing with joy.

"Oh boy.." Evan sighed covering his face with both of his hands.

And Manny laughing in the background.


Before we even stopped the car Alix jumped out of the car and bolted to the bowling ally.

We all eventually got our shoes and bowling balls then headed over to the lane Alix was at.

"Me first!!" he squealed.

"Me next!" Kevin squealed, mocking him.

Kevins POV

We all entered our names into the scoreboard and Alix obviously went first.

And apparently Alix is some kind of wizard or something because he went from tripping over his laces to hitting a strike on the first try. "I told you I practiced!!" He said sticking his tongue out at Evan and I.

Evan put his hands up 'surrendering' and I did the same.

"We never doubted you." I pointed out.

"You were sarcastic!" he shot back trying to prove his point.

"Was not!" Evan insisted.

"Whatever, at least im gonna win!" he said propping his hands up on his hips.

"Sureee." Freya butted in sarcastically.

"Ooo more competition hehe." I said giving an evil chuckle.

"Damn right," she replied. "I know I'm gonna win this.''

"Yea right!" Evan laughed.

"Well lets just get the game started then shall we?" Alix asked getting a bit sassy.

As Evan, Freya and I got more and more into the game, Manny got more and more into is phone..I wasn't surprised he was probably tweeting something about the rest of us bowling.

Towards the end of the game Freya and Alix were beating me and Evan by a long shot. We were both surprised at the scores but I didn't really care too much.

"You guys totally rigged this ally or the bowling balls didn't you." Evan joked.

"You wish, were just better than you." Alix said flipping his shoulder length hair back.

The scores ended up being Freya, Alix, Evan, and Me. Evan beat me by 10 points which made me a little frustrated but I got over it.

"Haha I beat you!" Freya teased pointing a finger at Alix.

"Shut up! it was only by a couple points!" he whined back.

"I still beat you!" she said sticking out her tongue.

"Ok, ok, guys." Manny said getting in between them. "how about we get some pizza?"

"Yesss please!" I cried I hadn't pizza since the last time we went bowling.

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