Fox Is A Pokémon Trainer!?

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Foxs POV

We never really sorted the whole house thing out. We've just kind of been living with the guys for the past month and a half almost.

But living with them has its perks and its not so perky things..For starters we have a discount at the California Pizza Kitchen since we go there a lot. We also get super cool artwork. Alister was nice enough to paint a picture of Frey and I.

And sometimes late at night Manny will tap on my door and we'll chill on the beanbags and watch Pokémon until we fall asleep.

But with many perks comes many flaws..

Of course its fun to do all those things but its gets annoying when all you want to do is sleep and you hear Evan and Alister downstairs blasting StarWars like theres no tomorrow.

Freya and I have both physically gotten sick from eating pizza for almost 2 weeks straight.

I don't think Freya can even look at pizza anymore but, I on the other hand could eat it forever. As sick as it'll make me I just cant get enough of it to be honest.

"WAKEY WAKEY WARPED TOURS A'COMIN' !!!" I heard Alix yell through the halls.

I reached for my phone and checked the time. 3:30a.m. I groaned and rubbed my eyes before slowly getting up and heading to Freyas room.

I felt kind of bad since I kind of turned their sort of 'hang out-get drunk-play video games-and never sleep' room into my room but they insisted so why protest?

I knocked on her door and I heard her groan as well. "Come on Frey! We'll be late!" I nagged.

"I know, I know! Im up!" She snapped.

With that I headed back to my room and pulled out my bags that I had packed the day before and set them aside. I quickly undressed and jumped in the shower.

Since I have dreads I thought it would be a good idea to wash them already so I wont have to worry about it too much on tour. Plus it was about the time I usually wash my hair anyways.

After I washed my hair I flat ironed my bangs and tied my dreads up since they would take the rest of the day to dry.

I didn't bother with a lot of makeup because it would probably just melt off throughout the day anyways.

I threw on my trusty Creepy Girl shirt, a pair of jean shorts, and a plaid button up to tie around my waist for a bit of style.

Grabbing my converse and bags I skipped down the stairs to see a smiling Alix and Evan making bacon pancakes.

I could hear Evan singing under his breath, "Bacon Pancakes, making Bacon Pancakes.

Take some bacon and I'll put it in a pancake. Bacon Pancakes that's what its gonna make, Bacon Pancakes."

I laughed as Alix handed me two plates. I passed one to Freya. "Kev and Manny are almost ready." she said taking the plate.

"Well they better -hurry it up- before we -eat all the Bacon Pancakes!-" Alix said purposefully yelling 'hurry it up' and 'eat all the bacon pancakes to get the 2 guys to speed up their morning routine.

About a second later we heard a fast pitter patter going down the stairs followed by a half naked Kevin. "DON'T you DARE eat ALL those pancakes!" He yelled pointing at Alix.

I put my hands over my bright red face as I heard Freya start yelling and getting out of her chair. "Kevin put some damn pants on!" she scolded, shoving him up the stairs and throwing him a t-shirt.

She sighed deeply before rolling her eyes.

I heard Alix and Evan trying not to laugh at my red face and Kevins cat boxers.

"You look like a tomato.." Alix croaked out.

"Yeah well.." I replied looking away. "I kinda just saw Kevin with like no clothes on soo.."

Freyas POV

I swear that boy will be the death of me. I thought, still with my hands pressed against my forehead. "He still seems to be completely oblivious of the fact that there are girls living here now." I said dragging my hands across my face slowly before finishing my food.

"Eh, Its just he's really protective about his food." Evan pointed out. "if it were anything else he would have gotten dressed first but unfortunately for poor Fox, it wasn't."

"Yeah, really." Fox agreed.

I rolled my eyes before stuffing my face with the remainder of pancakes left on my plate before collecting everyones dishes and washing them.

"Hey! that was quick!" I heard Alix exclaim causing my to quickly turn my head.

"Yeah it was quick! I need me some bacon pancakes!" Kevin said licking his lips while heading over to the last bit of pancakes.

"Aye! leave some for Manny Mr.McCullough!" I scolded him once more giving him a flick on the nose.

"Yeah, wheres Manny anyway?" I heard Fox ask.

"Oh, he cant find his Pikachu." Kevin quickly responded.

"Awhh poor thing, I'll go help him." she said frowning before heading up the stairs.

In the mean time we all managed to pack our bags into the tour bus and pick out bunks. The guys were polite enough to let Fox and I share the small bedroom in the back of bus.

A few minutes later Fox and Manny came out with their bags and I helped them get their stuff together. "ready ready?" Kevin asked looking back at all of us. "ready ready captain!" We all answered back.

First we were in our way to pick up Alister, who only lived a few minutes away. Then we would pick up our new TM for the next couple of months, Chris Shelley.

Kevins POV

We had just picked up Alister and were on our way to pick up Chris when I heard a loud 'thud' from behind me. "Hey, hey, hey! whats goin' on back there!?" I asked with a bit of a tone in my voice.

"My Pokéballs rolled under the bunk and I cant get them out!" Fox cried out with a little pout.

I rolled my eyes. "you'll just have to wait until we turn so that they can roll back out"

Fox pouted and sat on the floor opposite of where the Pokéballs hid.

"They'll come out sooner or later." Freya assured with a smile.

Just moments later we arrived at Chris' house and he quickly popped his head out of the door giving us all a creepy smile before laughing it off and hopping into the bus.

Its funny to think 5 hours from now we would be playing our first show at Warped.


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