Freya Has Some Issues..

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Kevins POV

After we played our set I jogged over to the merch tent to see the girls.
"Hey what'chya listening to?" I asked Freya while stealing her phone.

"Hey! Give those back you jerk!" She called running after me trying to grab them.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa," I pushed her off me and held her arms to keep her from snatching her phone. "You like Issues?! What happened to little miss "I don't like that kind of music" huh?" I questioned crossing my arms, after giving her her pone back.

"I thought I would just look up some of the bands who were playing! And they're not that kind Kev." She argued.

I laughed. "Freya, honey," I started putting my hands on her shoulders and taking s pause before saying, "Issues is way more hardcore than we are so if they're not that kind then were not that kind, BUUUUT you said that we are SOOOO," I spinned around and pointed at her. "That MUST mean you officially like that kind of music. My work here is done." I grinned and kept my chin up high as I walked back to the merch tent.

"What are you so grinny about huh?" Evan scoffed.

"Freya like Issues." I said proudly putting my hands on my hips.

"Oh yeah?" Martha butted in. "And that was because of you right?"

"Sure was!" I replied, still unbelievably proud.

Martha laughed, and I gave her a confused look.

"Ohhh! You don't know do you?" She asked still laughing.

"No..I don't.."

"I showed her Issues, Kev, you didn't do anything." She patted my shoulder with pity.

"Ppftt I don't care, Im just glad shes warming up to us!"


I just finished filming my part of our first Ghost Town Tuesdays with Freya and handed the footage over to Manny who's our editor and chief!

"Im sorts bored now." Freya stated throwing pieces of balled up paper at me.

"Yeah, well your probably going to be bored when your rinding in a van for 4 hours, and how are you already bored? We literally just got on the bus 10 minutes ago."

"Well, I get bored easily ok?" she snapped.

"The more ya know."

Freyas POV

I woke up, apparently, from a nap. I don't remember falling asleep, but oh well.
"Hey, how long was I asleep for?" I asked getting excited.

"Not long maybe 30 minutes." Alix replied.

"Ughhhhh gosh darn it! I was hoping I could sleep through most of the ride."

I pulled out my headphones and started listening to music and of course, Kevin butts in.

He laid on top of me before asking, "can I listed too?"

"Why? Don't you have your own music to listen to?"

"Yeahhh but I want to listen to yours." He smiled.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, fine, whatever." I gave him one of my headphones and he snuggled up next me before we both fell asleep.

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