A/N: I Dunno What To Title These Anymore (But this is important)

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A/N: Hey guys. I wanted to talk about something serious that's happening on YouTube rn. Logan and Jake Paul. I'm sure you've heard of them before and have seen them. But I wanna talk about what's currently happening with Logan Paul.

I personally haven't seen his Suicide Forest video yet but I've heard the controversy it has sparked around it.

I can't say much but I've heard about what happened.

For those of you who watch him and think that video is funny. Imagine if you were that dead body and someone was poking around with your body and making fun of it.

And second, as a believer in the paranormal, that spirit of that dead body is probably really pissed at him for poking around with his body. And I believe the result of that was I wouldn't say a curse but rather karma.

He deserves to get locked in jail for that.

And if there are any fans of him here that want to try to disagree with me, go ahead. Try.

I do think that this type of stuff is not funny and for those of you that do, you have a sick sense of humor.

Edit 1/7/18, 4:30 PM: I did go ahead and watch some response videos to what happened to get more information. It's not only the suicide video that sparked controversy but some of his other vlogs in Japan as well.

Just the disrespectful behavior that's shown is really disgusting. He's an adult. He should know how to act in another country.

And he should really educate himself more before going to another country.

I feel so sorry for the Japanese people who had to wittness his behavior.

I can assure you for the people outside of the U.S that not every American acts like him. But sadly, a lot of people do and it's just frustrating.

And for anyone that reads my stories and is Japanese, I can assure you, I 100% respect your culture and your language (I'm learning it now actually) and I'm so sorry that had to happen in your country.

He completely embarrased himself. Not only himself but America and Japan as well. He was not a good choice to represent America at all. And I'm sorry for any of the Japanese people that.

ごめなさい (Gomen'nasai, I'm sorry)

Told you I've been learning 😂

If you wanna talk about this situation privately, be my guest but if not, then comment your opinion.

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