10; Questions

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We sat in the car talking,
And by 'WE' I mean Jack and I.

Ethan just looked outside the window with his head leaning against the glass.

Jack was driving,
Ethan was in the passenger seat
And I was sitting behind them.

EMPIRE house

We all arrive home at the same time.

We all take a shower and change into something different.

Once we are all finished we all hang out in the living room of the huge house.

The living room;

A giant flat screen TV, couches,
A fire place and a huge wall of every member to ever join EMPIRE, which may I say I am up on!

"So remember to comment, subscribe and like this video for more of ME! Bye guys" I over hear Jack saying and just before he flips the camera off.

I run and jump on his back.

"BYEEEEE" we yell in sync laughing at the end.


The whole entire day was filled with quality time with our fellow members, we also had meetings over merch, tours, meet and greets or anything else we could do for our fans.

The whole day I spent thinking about Ethan.

Has he always been...rough hearted?
If so, why?
Maybe he wasn't always like this?
Maybe something trigger it?
Maybe a broken heart?
family problems... like divorce?
Maybe betrayal?

I don't know why I cared so much, I feel like I just was dying to know.

I was just laying in my bed at 12 in the night wondering about Ethan.

I then decided to maybe take a walk just down the hall;

I jump up from my bed and walk out of my room I walk past Loren and Jacks room then I reach a room with the lights on and the sound of soft music playing.

I look up at the picture frame to see who's room it is....


Maybe since he's awake, now is a good time to ask him?

I hesitated as I knocked on his bedroom door.

I hear him turn the Music off;

He opens the door and stares at me blankly while leaning his body against one side of the door frame.

"Can't sleep?" He finally says.

"Wow I didn't know you could speak proper English" I say to him referring to the times he would only say one word or just not talk at all.

"Haha very funny," Ethan says mono toned, even though I could tell he was trying to hide a laugh.

"What are you doing up so late?" I ask him.

"I asked you first" Ethan says bluntly.

"I guess I just got caught up in my thoughts and didn't realize how late it was..." I truthfully answer.

(A//N it's legit so late and a school night, I should be sleeping.... eh dedication am I right 😛😉)

"Yeah...Same" Ethan answers.

After that it was just quiet for a minute.

"Can I ask you a question?" I speak, breaking the silence

"I guess?" Ethan replies.

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