14// Together

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"H-Hey..." I answered back.

"Addison?" Ethan asked through the phone.

"Uhh... Yeah-." Right there I hung up the phone;

Not knowing what to do I just looked back at the rest of EMPIRE holding confused faces.

"So... our next dare is by Alexandra; she says..." Jack started.

Jacks POV
I realized Addison was uncomfortable with calling Ethan...

I don't know why, but I also knew she didn't wanna talk about it... AT ALL...

Just the look on her face gave it away

Addison's POV
{I made a mental note to thank Jack}

Once we finished filming in Dairy Queen I got a call from my brother;

"Hey Liam!" I laugh through the phone..

"Hey Baby sis, how's LAX, and EMPIRE?" Liam asked.

"It's really great!"

"That's amazing, where are you right now?" Liam asked

"The rest of EMPIRE and I are out at Dairy Queen for a video idea" I smiled

"Haha, exciting!"

"Yeah, How's Aunt Melissa?" I ask.

"She's great I'm in campus right now and class is about to start so I'll talk later okay?" Liam said.

"For sure Love ya Liam!" I laugh.


By now we were in the car almost at our house;

"Awe, do you miss your brother?" Loren asked

"Like Crazy" I nodded.

"Well...." Loren smiles getting out of the car;

"Surprise!" Liam laughed.

My eyes widened and I ran to Liam.

He pulled me into his embrace and I hugged back.

"I can't believe your here!" I smiled.

"Yeah me either..." Liam said looking around

"This place is ginormous" Liam added.

"Did you guys know about this?" I asked pointing to the rest of EMPIRE (Not Ethan of course)

"When we get a new member of EMPIRE on the 1st month of them being here we call their closest family member over" Grayson laughed.

"Just something to make them smile" Loren added.

"Aweee!" I squealed pulling them in for a hug.

Grayson unlocks the door and steps inside with Liam following behind him.

"Whoahh" I heard Liam mumble under his breath.

"When did you get here?" I ask Liam.

"Around 5 minutes before your car pulled up" Liam smiled.

"Liam we have quite a few extra room, you will be spending your week in one of them!" Loren clapped her hands.

Just as Liam was about to say something Ethan walked down stairs.

Oh great....

"Hey Ethan, right?" Liam walked over to Ethan.

Instead of saying anything back Ethan just pushed past Liam.

"Sorry, he's uhh.... Shy ?" Jack tried covering up.

"I'm not shy I just don't like people..." Ethan yelled.

For a second Liam had a glare on his face but quickly wiped it away;

"Here, I'll show you your room" Grayson smiled at Liam.

Why is Ethan like this?
What made him like this?
Why is he so mean?
Anger issue...?
I don't think so...

It reached the point to where I had it with Ethan;

I walked straight up to him and pulled him outside.

"Why are you like this!?" I pushed him even though he didn't move.

Ethan chuckled.

"I don't understand what's so funny" I glare at Ethan.

Ethan just nodded his head 'no' and walked back inside.

I mentally scream;
this kid drives me nuts.

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