20// understand me

59 2 2

I know it's a hate comment I shouldn't worry about it, Haters gonna hate blah blah blah.

But honestly it really hurts.

I take into consideration what these people think of me and right now I really wish I had never done any of this.

Don't get me wrong; I love EMPIRE and all the other people who work here but with good comes bad as well.

I haven't been into this media sort of stuff for long and I definitely am new to hate.

Yes, people would hate on me at my school, but that was different I didn't care about those peoples opinions but of course there still was that little bit of me that died every time some one said something hurtful.

But these people I call my 'viewers' they are people I have so much love for and to see that large portion who hate just really hurts. It makes me wanna stop being... ME.

My sobs grow louder and I try to shut myself up but it doesn't work.

Ethan's POV

I walk downstairs regretting being so mean to Addison.

I walk past her room as I hear... crying?
Addison... is crying?

I stand outside her room as I try to listen to make sure she's okay.

Keep walking.

You know what happens to the people you love.

You have experienced it.

Don't do that to Addison.

I knock on the door.


Addison's POV
I hear a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I question.

Not wanting them to open the door to a crying Addison.

"I-it's Ethan" He responds.

"Great, what do you want." I ask not wanting to deal with him or his BS right now.

I try to be kind but all he does it shut me ou-

"I wanna know why your crying." He says.

I stopped for a second.

"Why would you care?" I question.

"Just let me in...please?" He says, his voice getting softer towards the end.

"Just leave me alone!" I snap opening the door and walking past him.

"Why are you crying Addison?" Ethan softly asks trying to catch up with me.

"It's nothing" I answer wiping away my tears.

"Somethings bothering you" Ethan adds.

"Just stop okay! I know you don't care and you seriously never will! So stop acting like you care." I yell not worried about the rest of EMPIRE hearing me knowing they are just running errands.

My phone begins to ring I pick it up not noticing who's calling;

(A=Addison M=Aunt Melissa)

M: Hey Sugar!!

A: Hey Aunt Melissa? What's going on?

M: I just wanted to leave a call inviting you to Liam's Wedding!!!

A: We-Wedding?

M: Yeah it's in 2 weeks will you be able to make it?

A: oh um— yeah sure,see you then

**End of call**

I can't believe it;

Liam's already getting married?
He didn't even call me Aunt Melissa had to...

I look up noticing Ethan staring at me.

I start sobbing and sobbing.

Ethan pulls me into his embrace.

"ANYONE HOME!" I hear I jump out of Ethan's grasp and I wipe my tears and walk down the stairs.

"Hey Gray" I smile walking up to him hugging him.

"Hey Add's" Grayson smiles

"Do you know who's turn grocery shopping is this week?" I ask pulling out of the hug.

"I believe it's Ethan and your turn" Grayson smiled.

"Okay great I'm gonna do it right now before I forget" I say as I slip on my Gucci flip flops.

"ETHAN GO GROCERY SHOPPING WITH ADDISON" Grayson yells so his voice is heard from upstairs.

Just as I step out of the house I already hear the fans yelling and cheering.

So our house has a gate like 15 meters away from it and no one can get past the gate unless they know the code or if they are let in by one of us.

I walk out of the gate and lock it behind me, just as I do so I'm swarmed by cameras and people yelling asking random questions and asking for autographs.


I feel my heart rate pick up,
I try looking around for my car but it's hard when hundreds of people are everywhere.

My face soon begins to turn red and I feel like I can no longer breath.

I try to smile and make it seem like everything is okay but I can't when I'm having a panic attack.

Fans have never overwhelmed me this much and I have no clue why this just decides to happen today.

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