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Graysons POV (cont.)
Right as I said that everyone's eyes widened, I looked over to Ethan to see him racing down the stairs to better understand everything going on.

"Is she okay?" Loren jolted up

"Where is she?" Jack asked

"Shut up" Ethan spoke to both of them to allow me to speak

"Yes, she's fine. Some influencer/high school enemy named Jake Matthews kidnapped her, but to make everything going on seem more 'natural' they are going to playlist live tonight" I spoke

"Perfect! That's perfect!" Ethan spoke relieved

"When we go to playlist we can find her and figure this all out" he added racing up the stairs

"Wait! Did you just say Jake Matthews?! He was one of my best friends in high school!" Emma laughed clearly not knowing what else I had just said

"Emma..." Loren spoke

"Yes" Emma mocked

"Did you and Addison go to the same high school?" I asked

"Oh- um...Yeah! Her and I were like best friends!" She clearly lied

I sighed, I cannot imagine what would have happened if we let Emma join EMPIRE for good. That would've been hell for Addison.
Her and Emma were clearly not friends in high school.

"Let's get ready for Playlist" I shook my head ignoring Emma

With that, everyone raced up the stairs excited to reunite with Addison.

Addisons POV
By now, we were back at Jakes and getting ready for playlist. The fact that THIS was my very first playlist was unfortunate.

But regardless, he walked me over to my designated bedroom and there laid a set of clothes.

I put on the clothes he handed to me and I guess I was ready to go.

"OKAY! LETS GO!" Jake yelled walking into the room causing me to jolt awake.

I guess I hadn't realized I had fallen asleep.

I got up from the cold hard floor and made my way over to the door.

We hopped into the car and prepared ourselves for a three hour drive.

Every now and then, Jake would attempt to make small talk.

"You know they drill for when we get there" Jake spoke sternly and in return I nodded my head.

"So, tell me how things have been since high school!" Jake spoke enthusiastically

Yet I kept quiet.

"Fine! Tell me about Ethan!" He spoke happily

Yet I kept quiet.

"You know he's no good for you" Jake added

Yet I kept quiet.

"He just wants you for your fame. Well... that is if he wants you" he laughed

Yet I kept quiet.

"He acts like this big confident YouTuber, but in real life he's an insecure little boy with mommy and Emma issues" Jake frowned sarcastically

"Shut up" I said bluntly

Ethan was much more than that.
He just had a hard time showing it.

"Aww how cute! You're standing up for your friend! Oh wait! I mean co-worker" Jake laughed

How did he know that?
He must've been stalking EMPIRE for a while.
That alone gave me goosebumps.

After what felt like a year we finally arrived to Where playlist was being held.

So, we got out of the car and I immediately began searching for EMPIRE cars but I noticed none.

Maybe they just weren't here yet?

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