15// Goodbye

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Five months later

EMPIRE has been so amazing the last 6 months I have learned so much and made so many new friends;

"Can we take a picture?!" A girl with brown eyes and blonde hair dyed green on the ends asked.

"Of course! What's your name?" I ask her.

"I'm Michelle! I'm a huge fan! I love you so much and you have helped me through so much" Michelle smiled.

"Awh!" I said pulling her into my embrace.

Once we take the picture she leaves and I am left with the rest of EMPIRE.

"FLIGHT FOR NEW JERSEY LEAVING IN THE NEXT 20 minutes" I hear over the speaker.

Liam left quite a while ago and I have to admit everything did not go down as planned;


"Alright guys! We'll see you all next week!" I laugh.

"PEACE!" Grayson laughs,

Just then Ethan burst through the door and bolts upstairs.

Not even letting us catch a glimpse of his face

"E, everything good?" Grayson yells.

But no response.

"Can you check up on him?" Grayson begs.

"Why Me... your his brother" I pout.

"I don't know... he's just different around you..." Grayson says.

That caught me off guard...

I nod my head and make my way upstairs towards Ethan's room.

"Ethan" I knock on his room door.

Loads have changed between Ethan and I,

Before the huge 2am fight we talked at least a bit.

But now Ethan has completely removed himself from everyone else.

I have to admit I don't like it.

Its weird, I know.

The door opens revealing Ethan;

With a bruised lip and a black eye...

"Ethan, What happened!?" I yell.

All I received back is a glare;

"Ethan..." I say more calm this time.

"Ask your brother" Ethan said back calmly;

With that I reached for my phone and pulled it out of my pocket I clicked my brothers contact...

And made my way to my room;

(A=Addison L=Liam)

A: Hey, where are you right now?

L: In a cab.

A: Sweet, so your almost here?

L: No I'm on a cab, to the airport

A: What? why?! I thought you were staying for another week you just got here?!

L: Ethan... That kid is really messed up... I need to talk to Aunt Melissa about getting you to leave EMPIRE.

A: NO! I love it here!! It's so much better, everyone's so nice! I don't wanna go back... there...

L: EVERYONES so nice, how about Ethan's, is he nice?

A: Ethan's just a little different,

L: Yeah, well I'll see you back home in a few months.

**end of call**

**end of flashback**

Ever since then Aunt Melissa has been begging me to come back with all these excuses
' it's not healthy for you,'


'I really really miss you!!,'

And my personal favourite

' All your friends from school miss you'

So I decided to go back to NJ just for a week to convince my aunt, that everything is okay.

I already discussed this with the rest of EMPIRE and they agreed.

So here I am, about to go back on the plane...

"I'm gonna miss you so much!!" Loren said hugging me.

"I'll be back in a week" I said laughing

I then turn to Jack.

"What if you can't convince your aunt?" He asks

"Then I'll run away from home" I said laughing and then pulling him in for a hug.

"Wait remind me again why Ethan chose not to show up?" Jack asks

"He told me he had 'stuff' to do" Grayson butted in

I sighed under my breath.

Finally Grayson;

"Thanks for having me bup" I smile.

"Thanks for the veiws" Grayson laughed.

I gasped and punched him on the chest.

"I'm just kidding; come here" Grayson smiles pulling me in for a hug

I wave to them all as I watch them walk away.

"You forgot one goodbye" I heard.

My eyes widened and I turn around

Empire-e.dOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant