11; And answers

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"Can I ask you a question?" I ask Ethan, breaking the silence.

"Uhh, I guess..." Ethan replies.

"Why are you so... secretive? So... hidden... so Mysterious?" I finally build up the courage to ask.

"Why do you act like you know me so much?" Ethan says clearly mad.

"Ethan W-." I start but he cuts me off.

"There is so much to me you don't know, and don't need to know, you walk into this house like you have known me your whole life" Ethan starts.

"You wouldn't know that my parents passed away, you clearly wouldn't know how it felt. Look at your spoiled self" Ethan says.

Taken back and hurt by his actions.

I feel tears well up on the side of my eyes.

"Ethan..." I start, again getting cut off.

"I don't even know why your here to be honest, I had no say on you coming here. It was much better without you here." Ethan says.


That really burned.

I walk over to the door, and just before I walk out;

"Ethan, Your not the only person facing problems in this world. My parents died too... well at least that's what I'm told" I say.

I can just feel the lump in my throat get larger by the second.

I see Ethan's eyes widen and just before he can say anything else I walk out of his room and slam it shut.

I can't believe he got so offended.

Happy I didn't wake anyone up, I walk back to my room.

I lock the door, jump on my bed and try my best to hold in my river of tears that are ready to spill.

Although, I couldn't hold it in any longer,

I sob, and sob....

Now, I think it's finally time to tell you everything about my parents... which I'll tell you right now, it's not much.

Ethan's POV
Now I feel bad,

For the girl I meet last week?

Why do I feel bad?

I shouldn't feel bad.

Gosh, I probably made her cry....


I need to clear my mind, it's 4 in the morning and I need to get some sleep.

Addison's POV
I remember playing hide and go seek with my mom.

I remember having tea parties with my dad.

I remember going on picnics with my mom and dad, eating sandwiches, playing soccer.

I remember my dad dropping me off to Gymnastics or Soccer.

I remember my mom helping me with my ABC's...

I remember memories of my mom and dad very few... but who could blame me I was only three at the time.

I remember one night I was with my babysitter....


It was raining really hard that night.

"Bye Love, Bailey will watch over you for the night" my mom said kissing my forehead.

"Bye bye Mommy" I remember my three year old self say.

"Bye Hun, I love you" I recall my dad smiling at me before leaving the house.

"Bye bye Daddy" I remember....

That night me and Bailey (my baby-sitter)

We played dollhouse, we played hide and go seek we had a lot of fun that night...

"FOUND YOU!" I yell at Bailey, who was currently hiding beside the fridge.

"NO IM AN INVISIBLE SPY! Shhhh" Bailey laughed.

"ME TOO!" I laugh.

"Come on! We have to find the missing teddy bear!" Bailey smiled.

The rest of the day we spent playing and eating dinner.

Bed time

"Night Bailey" I smile at her before she shut the door to my room.

"Night Ad—." Bailey started but got cut of by a phone call.


"Yes, I know them"

"OH my god"


"Right now?"


"Thankyou B-Bye" Bailey ended the phone call.

"Hunny, lets go" Bailey smiled a very small smile.

"Where we going?" I asked Bailey.

"To Aunties house for a sleep over" Bailey whispered.

"Yay!" I cheered trying to lighten the mood.

I jumped out of bed.

"We can go in your PJ's" Bailey smiled.

"Best! Day! Ever!" I laughed.

But yet did I know....

It was not even close to a good day...

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