New Boy

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"Sky Brooks please come to the main office. Sky Brooks please come to the main office thank you" I heard over the loud speaker at school. I hardly get called to the office over the loud speaker. I was very confused and so was everyone at my table.

"What's that for?" Jack said while looking at me weird.
"I honestly have no idea" I shrugged. I kissed Jack and got up. "Meet up with you later"

As I got to the office the first bell rang. The lady at the front desk told me to go to the vice principals office. I was worried I got in trouble. I didn't do anything wrong. Paranoid as always I thought to myself. As I walked into his office there was this boy with blonde hair sitting in a chair.

"Ah Miss Brooks there you are" Mr Wesley said as he stood up. I smiled at him. "Sky is a senior here" he said to the blonde boy who looked at me and smiled.
"Uh Mr Wesley may I ask why I was called here?" I said kinda nervous.
"Well we rarely get any new students here" he nodded at the boy "and remember how we always choose another student to show them around?"
"Uh yeah.." I said sitting down
"Since you know the school so well I was hoping you could show Mr Besson here around and make him feel included"
I looked at the boy and then back at Mr Wesley. "Uh yeah of course I would love too" I mostly agreed cause I get to get out of classes for the day and leave class early the next week.
"Perfect!" Mr Wesley stood up and gave the boy and I passes so we could miss class and I can show him around. I smiled at Wesley then we both left his office. It was quiet for awhile.

"I'm Corbyn by the way, Corbyn Besson"
"Sky Brooks" I smiled at him. "So um where are you from?"
"Virginia. Mom got a job here so me, my sister and brother all had to move here which sucks"
I smiled and nodded. " it's not so bad here once you get use to it"
"I still need to get use to the town tho" he shrugged.
"My friends and I are going out tonight. Wesley said I had to include you so you wanna come? I'm sure they won't mind" I smiled at him.
"Uh yeah sure..."
"Trust me it'll be fun" he smiled at me then down at the ground. It was quiet again for awhile while we walked the halls.
"So uhm what's your first schedule?"
He handed me his schedule. I saw that we had almost every class together. I laughed.
"What's so funny?" He looked at me confused.
"We have like every class together. No wonder Wesley picked me to show you around" then I looked at his locker and I laughed again.
"Seriously What??" He said with a little laugh
"You have locker B27, the worst locker in school. I had it in 9th grade. My boyfriend had it in 10th grade. It like never locks so don't keep any important items in there" I laughed again.
"Y-you have a boyfriend?" He said rubbing the back of his neck.
"Oh yeah Jack Avery. He has AP chem with us but that's after lunch so you can meet him at lunch. And my friend Kylie and the rest of the guys." I smiled at him and he gave me a shy smile as we walked to our first class.

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