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I sat at the dinner on my phone for awhile. I was about to cry so I paid and went to the park across the street. I sat at a bench when someone ran up behind me which made me jump.

"Are you okay? What happened? Who do I have to punch" Corbyn said really fast kneeling down in front of me. I started to cry and Corbyn wiped my tears with his thumb.
"Babe talk to me"
"Corbyn I'm sorry" I cried
"What happened?"
"My dad kicked me out and I have no where to go and your probably gonna walk away when I saw this and I'm sorry"
"Why did your dad kick you out? And why would I walk away?"
"I'm pregnant..." he froze and his eyes went wide. " I said you could walk away" he still didn't move. After awhile he stood up and walked away. I put my head in my hands and cried. But after a few minutes Corbyn came back.

"Alright my mom said you can live with us. She's excited to be a Grandma" he laughed. I looked at him confused. "Sky I would never walk away. We're in this together" I smiled and stood up and gave him a hug. He kissed me and  we went back to our cars and drove to Corbyns.

As I walked in I was kinda nervous. I've met Corbyns sister Ashley before but I've never met his mom. We walked into the kitchen and his mom walked over to me and gave me a hug.

"Oh honey I'm so sorry"
"Thank you for letting me stay here"
"No problem let me show you your room"
She grabbed my bag and we walked upstairs and walked into this room. She then left and I sat on the bed. There was a knock on the door, it was Ashley.

"Sky!" She ran over to me and hugged me.
"Hey Ashley how you've been"
"Amazing now that I know I'm gonna be an aunt!" You both laughed and then Corbyn walked in. Ashley smiled and then left. Corbyn sat beside me.

"Wanna y'all about the baby?"
I shrugged and Corbyn laughed.
"So I was thinking that when he or she is born we could live here for awhile till we find our own place?"
"I'm sorry how long have you've been planning this?" I laughed. Corbyn shot you a looked and then laughed and kissed you. You guys then lied back and sat in bed watching movies for the rest of the night.

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