Can't Be

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The whole weekend I was waking up early and getting sick. I either would be lying in bed not wanting to move or lying on the bathroom floor not wanting to stand up. Corbyn would come over and bring me soup and cuddle while watching movies.

Monday morning I woke up sick again. As I was sitting on the bathroom floor Corbyn came to give me a ride to school. As he walked into my room and then saw me. He laughed a little.

"Awe babe... no school I'm guessing?" He said helping me up. I shake my head and got into bed.
"Do you want me to stay?" He said sitting beside me.
"No go to school I'll be fine. I made a doctors appointment for this afternoon"
"Alright I'll be back after school" he kissed me on the forehead and got up and left.

I slept most of the day till I finally got up and got ready to go to my appointment. They took tests and I waited for like ever! I thought I just had a stomach bug. After awhile the doctor walked in with a smile on her face and sat down.

"Well you don't have a bug.."
"Then what do I have?"
"You're pregnant"

I froze. "W-Wait I-I'm pregnant.." I stuttered. That can't be. My life is over. My parents are gonna kick me out. I already lost all my friends. Corbyn is gonna leave me. I'm only 17... what do I do.

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