Pregnancy and Sneezeing

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Gwen: guess what?

Nikki: what

Max: what?

Preston: what

Neil: What?

Gwen: im pregnant

Max: what the fuck?
Nikki: omg!!!

Gwen: im pretty excited

Neil: Congratulations!

Max: hOLD UP-

Max: does david know???

Gwen: yeah hes crying right now

Preston: AH!!!!

Preston: I'm so excited for you! Babies are BEAUTIFUL

Preston: what are you going to name it?

Gwen: we're thinking of naming it Willow if it's a girl or Lake if it's a boy


Gwen: jk, we haven't thought of anything. I found out yesterday.

Nikki: thats awesome

Nikki: congrats!!

Gwen: thanks!


Gwen: yeah!

Nerris: AHHHH! Congratulations!!!!

Gwen: thanks nerris :)

Harrison: Congrats!

Neil: hey max are you pumped to get a sibling

Max: i dont really care

Harrison: Max, siblings are great.

Nikki: yeah. they are. and you get to hang out with a baby in a couple months. how freaking cool

Gwen: max, where are you

Max: school????????????

Gwen: oh oops

Gwen: i wanted to see you

Max: lol i can ditch

Gwen: nO

Neil: you already ditched chem today so


Nikki: oooooooooooooooo

Gwen: lmao really? why?

Max: idk reasons

Gwen: k but if i get a call from the school youre dead

Gwen: or i'll take your phone away

Nikki: i love your relationship. it's so casual.

Gwen: thanks its cause he's a little shit

Nikki: rIGHT?

Preston: i 100% agree with that statement

Neil: same

Max: Thank you all. I really appreciate the praise and love in this group chat.

Nikki: you're welcome babe

Neil: Welcome

Preston: you're welcome

Gwen: fuck you

Max: welp

Nikki: Max come to the library

Max: why?

Nikki: we have freeblock and i wanna spend it with you

Max: fair enough i guess

Space Kid: Oh I forgot I was in this

Neil: did you... mute it? Or something?

Space Kid: I muted it.

Neil: oh.

Space Kid: so, gwen's pregnant?

Gwen: yep

Space Kid: I'll have to come down to ny to meet it when it's born

Gwen: totally!!

Neil: gwen, do you want a boy or girl?
Gwen: ...

Gwen: i would say i dont care, but i really do

Gwen: i really really want a girl

Gwen: but if i have a boy that's fine

Gwen: as long as they're healthy

Gwen: but also

Gwen: i want a girl

Neil: ... understandable.

Max: nikki sneezed and i tried to say bless you but i ended up saying hail satan

Max: mondays, amirite

Gwen: i have taught you well.

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