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Happy Thanksgiving! This will be short, because I didn't have much time before today to work on it, and I'd like to spend the holiday with my fam.

Max called Nikki at around 11 am on Thanksgiving to tell her he loves her and that he's thankful for her. She thought that was sweet, and said she's glad he's in her life.

David always cooked for Thanksgiving. Even when he was young, he'd stay inside with the women to cook when all the guys would go play football. And that's why everyone in his family thought he was gay. He was pretty sure his dad died thinking he's gay. But he wasn't gay, not even a bit. He may have acted like a fuckin twink, but he wasn't. Gwen's parents and brother's family came for Thanksgiving that year. Gwen's mom was an incredible cook, and Gwen was excited for her to share the kitchen with David. The whole day was really fun. Gwen's parents absolutely loved Max, they say it's because he reminds them of Gwen when she was younger.

David was glad his sister couldn't come. He loved her to death, but she always ruined family gatherings. She's a real downer. Gwen and Max were also very relieved she couldn't make it. She was always so mean to them.

The entire day went great for them.


Nikki's family's Thanksgiving was okay at best. It was like, same shit, different year. One of her moms new boyfriends came with their family (if they had one), and her racist, redneck, southern grandparents silently judging her for the whole day.

"So, Nicolette, what have you been doing these days?" Her grandparents would ask her.

And Nikki would always have the same answer. "Volleyball."

"Have you broken up with that boy yet?" Another yearly question.

Nikki's eyes looked like the eyes of a teenage girl who just wanted to die right now. "No, grandma."

"Oh," her grandmother replied slyly, "You should. He's-"

"Grandma, I know. I've been with him for three years. Will you please respect that?" Nikki pleaded.

Nikki's mother, Candy, shot her a dissapointed look. "Nicolette, don't talk to your elders like that."

Nikki rose to fight back, but retreated. She did not need more drama. "Sorry, mom. Sorry grandma."

Same shit every year.


Neil barely survived Thanksgiving. His parents were definitely not friends, but they made an effort to have a family Thanksgiving, just the three of them. And the day was... interesting.

"Neil honey, are you gay?"



Awkward. That's how Harrison would describe Thanksgiving that year. Well actually, every year. Somehow his parents still hadn't gotten over their fear of Harrison, although he didn't really practice magic anymore. And his parents had also somehow put his entire family against him after the incident with his brother. The day was filled with blank stares and muttering between the family. Harrison didn't open his mouth to speak once.

He wished Nerris was there.


Nerris had so much fun with her cousins on Thanksgiving. It was her favorite holiday. Her cousins from Connecticut came for the day and Nerris was so excited to see them again. They were all around the same age, and they were the reason she always looked forward to the holidays. Nerris' parents had a no phone policy for family holidays, and Nerris was completely fine with that. But when she got back, she saw that Harrison had texted her in the morning saying, "Hey will you text me so I don't have to deal with my family?" And she felt so bad.


Preston was sad the entire day. He took the train upstate to his uncle's house for Thanksgiving, and they didn't speak about anything other than Preston's grandma. It was just one huge, depressing meal. It had been so soon since she'd passed.

 Preston silently sobbed at the dinner table. He excused himself, and decided to make a list of what he's thankful for.

On the paper, he wrote:

1. My friends

2. Neil

3. Musicals

4. Andrew Rannells and his sexy ass

5. Grandma

6. I got out of my relationship with Henry

7. I don't get bullied anymore

8. I'm not dead


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