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Preston sat bored in his Calculus class. Half of his time at school was spent waiting for something to be over. He hated the stupid formulas, and he always got called on, even when his hand wasn't up.

The teacher, Ms. Normand explained the answer to a problem on the worksheet. "Because of this, d equals-"

ring ring

Preston felt his phone buzz in his pocket. Everyone turned their heads to see a flustered Preston pretending it wasn't his phone.

ring ring

"Preston, why is your phone on in class?" Ms. Normand asked. She was a scary fucking bitch.

"Oh, I- uh meant t-to turn it off," he stuttered.

The phone stopped ringing, and Preston picked up his phone and and put it on Do Not Disturb. Ms. Normand turned back to the whiteboard and began writing again. Then once again, a ringing coming from Preston's pocket appeared.

ring ring

Once again, all eyes were on Preston. "It must be my emergency contact. I'm so sorry."

Ms. Normand stared him down and said, "Take the call."

"W-what-" Preston stammered.

"If it's so important, take the call. Right here," she coldly said.

"Um, okay," Preston said and pressed answer. He put the phone up to his ear and heard his uncle speaking to someone else. "Oh, hey uncle Roy."

"Preston, buddy, my mom- your grandma," Roy sounded frantic and frazzled. Preston knew what was coming but he was praying and hoping it wasn't that. "She died."

Preston's stomach dropped. He started breathing very loudly and quickly and could hear his heart pound. He could barely hear his classmates asking him what's wrong. 

"Oh my god," he said, quietly. "How?"

"Stroke. This is awful," Roy sobbed.

Preston felt tears building up. "When did this happen?"

"Around 8 this morning."

Suddenly, Preston started sobbing uncontrollably. His vision was hazy but he still bolted out of the classroom. He hung up the phone because he couldn't hear it anymore. He needed a minute. He sat down next to the lockers and slumped over. He closed his eyes and tried to block out all thoughts.

 After a few minutes, he took a deep breath and walked back into class. Everyone gave him concerned looks, but he strolled back to his seat with a blank face and dried tears all over his face and neck. Everyone sat in awkward silence until the bell rang. All the kids and the teacher got up and left, except Neil. He grabbed Preston's arm and asked him what happened.

Preston sighed. "Can we go somewhere else? I can't be at school right now." Neil nodded and they walked off campus in silence together. They sat down at a Starbucks and Preston was very close to crying.

"Are you okay man?" Neil asked.

Preston took a sip of his tea. "Not at all. My grandma died," Preston said, choking back tears.

"Fuck, Preston I'm so sorry," Neil sympathized.

"I'm just in shock, you know? I knew this would happen but not this soon. She was only 65. And I left just twenty minutes before she had a stroke. I could've been there to save her," Preston quietly sobbed. "I just feel like it's my fault."

"Preston, it's not your fault. You left at the same time you always do. There's no way you could've known."

Preston sniffled and stood up. "I- I think I'm gonna go home."

"Makes sense. Feel better, okay?" Neil smiled and patted his shoulder.

Preston nodded and gave a small, "Ok."

Preston had lived with his grandma since he was 13. Ever since his parents kicked him out after he told them he's gay. His grandma was completely supportive and loving though, and she was happy to take him in. He really was going to miss her.

He opened up his texts and sent a text to their group chat.

Preston: hey guys, i wont really be online or at school for a while

Nerris: why

Preston: my grandma had a stroke

Harrison: Is she okay?????

Preston: no she's dead

Preston: i have to sort out my living situation and shit

Harrison: Oh my god, I'm so sorry Preston

Nerris: oh fuck pres thats terrible. im sorry

Preston: its ok guys. im just in shock

Preston turned off his phone and immediately received a call. He rolled his eyes and answered it. "Hello, this is Preston."

"Hey Preston, it's David and Gwen. We are so sorry about your grandma," David started.

Gwen cut in. "And if there's anything we can do, just let us know, okay?"

"Yeah, I just kinda need to be alone right now," Preston said.

"Okay. Again, we send our condolences," David said, sweetly.

Preston scoffed. "Thanks." He hung up. He tried to be polite, he really did. But he just wanted to be left alone, and nobody understood. He was still taking it all in and he needed some time to grieve and think about his dead loved one.

But he was also scared. Would he have to go back to one of his parents' house? He hadn't seen them in years. But he'd have to at the funeral, and would they speak to him? The thought of going back to his parents after they kicked him out was awful. But an even worse thought was moving upstate to live with his uncles and aunts. He didn't want to move out of the city, but he didn't want to be with his parents. His grandma really was his safe, middle ground. She didn't care that he's gay, she just made sure that he was well fed and did all of his homework. She was a lovely woman.

Preston decided to sleep on the thought of moving back in with his parents.

Or maybe he should just get his own place.

He had no clue what to do.


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