chapter 24

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Garret POV

I clench my fists  and angrily walk over to Carter.
"Why would you let her go like that!! You didn't even go after her!! Did you no just hear her say she was going to end her life!!!"

Carter stands there and looks back at me.

I tap his shoulder. "Hey Carter, I'm talking to you."

He slumps to floor and mumbles to himself. "This is all my fault..."

I realize he's going into shock and immediately call for a nurse.

The vampire and werewolf doctors come forward and attend to him.

Then something inside me clicks.
"I can't live without Cicily.. I've needed her from the beginning."

My sister walks up beside me. "She's not as bad as I thought... I was just blinded by love I guess.."

I hug her. She looks me in the eyes. "You care for her don't you."

I pause. "Yeah I do and I'm going after her. I'm not going to lose her.."

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