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"We're here!"

I slide off of Stylive's back and walk around, smiling slightly beneath my mask. Fawnfall Island, the world of my childhood, or what little of it there was. I had to grow up fast to survive all alone, what with my parents disappearing and all. I hold no grudges, though, no matter what their reason. There's simply no point.

Stylive settles down on the grass and I lay next to her, leaning against her. Her naturally higher body temperature provides warmth against the gentle breeze that strokes my face and carries the faint aroma of the grass and the ocean.

I sigh contentedly and allow myself the liberty of relaxation, dropping my guard. This island may be small and practically uninhabited, but it's always had a special place in my heart. The place you grew up in often does leave a big impact, the memories will always be carried with you.

Terrible Terrors squawk overhead, minding their own business. I watch them as they circle one another in an almost playful manner. It really is almost a magical place here, I suppose. I'm glad I decided to come here.

Stylive also seems happy to be back at the place where she hatched. She's the only one of my partners who has been here. It's not that I'm hiding it, it's simply a waste of time. This island's only value is that of the memories that Stylive and I have made out of this little paradise we used to call home.

I don't know exactly how long I was daydreaming and reminiscing about this place, but the next thing I know, Stylive's stomach is growling. I snap back to reality and stand up. "Hungry?" I question with a chuckle. She nods her head, eager for a snack.

"I'd say it's a little early for lunch," I shrug, gesturing to the sun, which still needs plenty of time to reach its midpoint. "But let's bend the rules."

She squawks in agreement and I mount her. Together we swoop downwards towards the sea and dive down, her opening her mouth and dragging it underwater. When we pull up after a few moments, she's caught herself a mouthful of fresh fish.

She set me down on the island again and dumped her catch next to her, curling around it protectively as though I was going to take her meal. "Good girl," I smile beneath my mask and settle down beside her again. "We'll stay here a while longer than planned and scare those annoying humans, how about that?" I chuckle, to which Stylive wags her tail since her mouth is clogged up with fish.

I pet her and she coos happily as she eats. I love my rare moments with her. Sure, I get to have this special time with all my partners, but Stylive was my first and is very special to me. I should just relax with my partners more often.

Suddenly Stylive stands up, alert. I fall onto my back from where my leaning post just disappeared on me, but my mind is elsewhere. "What is it, girl?" I ask her, getting up as well and reaching cautiously for the hint of my sword, ready to draw it. She lets out a soft rawk, scanning the area intently. I follow suit.

Something moving in the trees catches my attention, especially when I see a human leg between leaves.

Immediately I stand in front of Stylive defensively, drawing my sword. "I know you're there, so either show yourself or run like a coward. Either way you won't be hurting my partner any time soon."

Whoever was up there paused, as if considering their options, before dropping down with cat-like agility. They started moving towards us, half crouched in an almost animalistic way. They were a woman who looked to be around her early thirties. She wore what appeared to be bear fur. She was covered in dirt and scratches, though she didn't seem to care any more than a child would.

I draw my sword and they freeze, staring at it as though it had already sliced through them. "I mean no harm," they speak, their voice raspy but very much audible. "Who are you, young one?"

"Who I am is not important," I state automatically. "But who you are is." "If it is what you are asking, my name is Selene," they answer, looking into my eyes. "I only came here to scavenge food for my child. Nothing more, nothing less."

Stylive picked up a few of her fish in her tail and threw them at Selene generously. The older woman looked surprised at her 'charity', then smiled slightly and bowed to Stylive. "Thank you, dragon. This shall make my child very happy indeed."

Selene starts to come closer, but I flash my sword again, keeping her at bay. "No closer," I order. "Stylive is not going to be put at risk on my watch."

"Your dragon will not be harmed," Selene says softly, moving forward still. I move the blade to her throat and that's when she finally seems to take it in that I won't hesitate to kill her. "You can't kill me," she says. "My child will be left defenceless, they will die alone."

"Well that's what happened to me and look who's going to live to see the sun set if they don't back up," I threaten. She obeys slowly, but keeps her eyes pinned to me. "What do you mean? You... your parents were killed when you were just a baby?"

"Dead, alive, captured, never knew," I shrug, lowering my sword slightly but remaining on my guard. "They disappeared and that's all I'm sure about. Now are we done with the interrogation or do you have more questions for me? Because I'm not exactly the most talkative person."

"What's your name, young one?" She seemed genuinely and innocently curious. "Like I said it's not important," I snap, growing irritated now. "It is to me," Selene shrugged.

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