Fanfiction Personalities

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If you're writing a fan-fiction that involves characters from the actual show/series/book/movie/etc, you have to make sure to stay true to the originals.

What I mean is when you use a 'canon' character (for example) in your fanfic, stick to their actual personalities.

Of course, in most fanfictions, the author usually exaggerates the personalities a little to provide comic relief, but it still ties in with the characters' actual personalities at the same time.

It only becomes a problem if the author of a fanfic just randomly flips the character's personality upside down for no apparent reason.
E.g. A introverted gamer canon character suddenly becoming a enthusiastic extrovert who loves competing in real life sports without any explanations.

Say you're writing a Harry Potter fanfiction that's set during Harry's time at Howarts...
Would it make sense if, say, Professor McGonagall started singing, tap-dancing and being super-dooper nice to everyone all the time?
Not really, no.

It's easier to read if you stick to the given personalities...
You can provide a reasonable and believable scenario/event/reason for a character's change of heart that can be easily written into your fanfic and still make sense.

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