Cover Design

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Not really a writing tip... But if you have an interesting Cover Design, you're more likely to attract readers.

E.g. You're looking through your recommended section on Wattpad and you see two books with interesting titles and/or descriptions.
The first one has a plain green cover with normal Calibri font for the title.
The second one has an ombré background with lots of different effects like borders, interesting fonts, special effects (e.g. flames).
What one would you choose?

Usually, a lot of people think that an author puts more effort into their stories if they have an awesome cover.
It shows that the author spent quite a bit of time to carefully create an interesting cover.
This, in turn, leads to people unconsciously thinking that the author will have taken the time to create an engaging storyline and interesting characters!

Additionally, try to make sure the cover design 'reflects' your story.
E.g. If you're writing a fanfiction from an anime, it would be in your best interest to base your cover off the characters/ settings in that specific anime.
E.g. 2: If you're writing a non-fanfic story, say... A story about a person competing in the Olympics, then base the cover off their sport / the Olympics.

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