Basic Event Structure

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This tip can be followed for;
- individual chapters
- entire 'arcs' / sections
- whole stories

Some writers find it difficult to maintain literary and narrative flow, as well as keeping the story interesting over a prolonged period of time.

Now, you've probably heard this little method from every high school English teacher ever- trust me, I know from experience- but it is, in fact, a helpful strategy for planning events in your story.

The "Pebble, Brick, Boulder" Method.

Yes, I can practically see you rolling your eyes right now... I know, I know! It sounds cliched and boring, but it is helpful.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the "Pebble, Brick, Boulder" method, here's a basic rundown:

1- Sizzling Start (I don't think I need to explain what sizzling starts are- you're probably like me and have been doing them since Grade 3)
- Though it pays to know the 6 or so different ways to start: action, exposition through description, dialogue, expositional dialogue, a flashback, a scenery and/or character description, etc.

2- Backfill / Exposition / Description (in order to advance the plot to getting closer to leading towards the climax)

3- Pebble (the first complication- make note that this is not the climax, instead a smaller issue or development that will help lead to the bigger problem later)

4- Brick (the second complication- a bigger problem than the pebble, yet still not the ultimate climax)

5- Boulder (the overall climax of the scene/chapter/arc/etc- the biggest problem, the largest issue / setback, the event that the previous steps have lead up to)

6- Resolution (pretty self explanatory- something that resolves the previous events in some way or another, and remember... not all endings have to be resolved happily- there can still be endings that are resolved efficiently, yet not 'joyful')
- cliff hangers are also great to use to increase tension of mystery, etc (though try not to overuse them)

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