Chapter 6

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"We would like to welcome Five seconds of Summer!" the host lady calls, and that is the que for the boys to walk out on stage. Jessie and I arrived 10 minutes ago and were greeted by three excited aussies and Luke. They had called Jacke this morning and asked him to come to the interview. I don't know if they told him he won or not.

    "Hello boys how are you all doing today?" the woman asks. The guys all give various response of good thanks.

    "So we actually have a special surprise announcement for today?" she asks. Ashton and the other two nod eagerly.

    "Yes but we will get to that" Ash says.

    "Right, so boys, this has been a hectic month for all of you hasn't it? How are you guys getting by?"

    "Ya we had an issue that needed to be addressed about a month ago and as of now its solved and we don't need to dwell on it. We are all fine so there is no need to worry." Ashton starts to say.

    "Ya, and we have been able to focus on ourselves a bit with the break and we are ready to start writing and recording again and hopefully once we have a full band again, touring." Calum finishes.

    "That's great guys, so tell us about this contest you held at hopeless Records?"

    "Well, as you all know by now, Josh left the band and we need a new guitarist. So we put out that we were having a contest or auditions to find someone." Ashton starts.

    "We gave whoever wanted to come a week to get here and then we started with auditions, they all played to some of our team and by the end of friday we had 100 people." Calum continues.

    "Wow, so who's idea was it to have a competition?" she asks.

    "Well, we were at Hopeless and John had a big meeting, he had his nephew working there so he was the one who originally came up with the idea of a contest. Then Michael was really the one to illustrate the whole thing. He had the ideas of making the contestants have an age range, and making them perform for our team before they performed for us. He said they would come just to meet us." Ashton tells her.

"So these two Jessie and Michael have become friends with you all yes? They are the ones in the twitcam you did last night?" The three of them nod.

"Ya their great! It was good to have some guys our age there, refreshing, they have the same mindset as us." calum says.

"We actually have them here in the crowd don't we?" the lady asks, ad i look at Jessie that is sitting next to me in surprise. No one said anything about being on tv.

"Ya, if they want to come up, they are in the front row" Luke says, for the first time pointing to us. I quickly shake my head but jesse stands up and pulls me with him.

"Jessie!" I whisper shout.

"Don't worry mike it's fine" he says, pushing me up on stage.

"He Mikey what's up?" Calum grins as i reluctantly get pushed down into the seat next to Luke.

"You fuckers knew about this and didn't tell me?" I glare at them all, making them laugh.

"Well hello, that was a great introduction" the lady laughs and i blush and apologise.

"So You're Michael I'm going to guess?" the lady asks, I nod and smile small at her.

"And you're jessie" She smiles and shakes his hand.

"Hello then, it's good to have you both" We smile.

"So i know it seems like a surprise but what do the two of you do?"

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