Game on! (PewdieKenCry)

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Heey heey peeps!

Welcome to my new story ;)


Title: Game on!

Pairing: Ken x Cry & Pewdie X Cry


Pewdie has a fight with Cry. Later on he feels bad and wants to apologize, but Ken steps in the picture. Both Ken and Pewdie realize their feelings for the hot brunet. Will Pewdiepie be on time to apologize and win Cry’s heart? Or will CinnamontoastKen be the one he chooses?

Rated: I think T+ is suited, may change over time.


There are no POV’s, just their visions in general.


On to the story!



“No don’t do that!” a voice yelled from inside the house. The front door swung open, a brown haired young man quickly ran through. “Cry! Come back!” a dirty-blonde man appeared, ate the door, yelling at the other. “No, you asshole!” screamed the brown haired boy, gaining speed. “Don’t run away! Come back!” the blonde ran after him. He got up to the one called Cry and took a grip at said man’s wrist. “Let me go you dick!” Cry yelled, trying to break free. “Where are you going, huh? You have nowhere to go!” the blonde said,” Stop being an idiot and come inside.” Cry ignored him, still trying to get loose. “Cry! Stop this!” the blonde looked around,” People are watching!” “I don’t give a fuck!” Cry yelled angry,” Let go of me, you asshole!” “Fine,” blonde said and let go of Cry’s wrist. Not before slapping the brown haired square across the face. Cry stumbled backwards from the impact of the slap, holding his now red cheek. Tears streamed down his face. The blonde stared down upon him, turned around and walked towards the house. It wasn’t until Cry heard the front door close with a bang, he started to move. He ran. Out of the street. Where do I go? He searched for contacts in his phone. Red? No she and Russ are on vacation. Jund? He called Scott’s number. After a while Scott’s voicemail sounded and Cry hung up. Snake? Not an option, he said he was busy and didn’t want to be disturbed. Suddenly he remembered something. Ken came over to Florida for his vacation. He had texted Cry the address of the hotel he’d be staying, for when Cry or Pewdie wanted to hang out. Cry searched for the address and typed it into Google-maps. He started to run again. The hotel was three streets away from him. His lungs felt like they were going to burst. Thoughts of what happened just recently going through his mind. They had fought. It was their first fight ever since Pewdie moved in whit him.



“Cry, I have recently broken up with somebody I really liked,” Pewdie whined,” You could be a bit more nice to me and get me something to drink..” Cry frowned. He was right, Pewdie broke up with Marzia, on good terms, it just.. didn’t work anymore. But that doesn’t mean he has to use that reason for EVERYTHING. “You can get your own drink,” Cry answered. Pewdie’s expression changed to one of anger. “So, you just don’t care about me,” he said, shaking his head in disappointment. He has been acting weird ever since the break up… I just hope this is over soon; I’ll just have to deal with it and be nice to him. “Of course I do!” Cry said with a warm smile,” I just think breaking up is not a good reason to not get yourself a drink and let me do all the work.” Cry chuckled. “So.. that’s how it is.. You think breaking up isn’t bad?” “No, Pewds, wha-,” Cry tried to say. His expression changed from shock to confusion. “You think you have it bad? You think you have to work hard?” Pewdie raised his voice, standing up from the chair he had been sitting on. “Of course you don’t know,” Pewdie said, stepping closer to Cry. Cry moved away from him. He knew Pewdie had some anger issues, but it never got this bad.. He felt actually a little scared of Felix. “ You don’t know, ‘cause you never broke up with some one,” Pewdie said, poking his finger at Cry’s ribs. Cry was now standing with his back against the door leading to the hallway. “ That’s no-,” Cry tried to say. Pewdie interrupted him again,” you never had a girlfriend, you don’t know how much it hurts to break up with somebody.” Cry’s head suddenly filled with thoughts about his ‘ex-girlfriend’. He had found out his ex cheated on him behind his back. When he had confronted him, he told him: “I don’t love you, you’re a piece of shit. No-one could ever love you.” He had just disappeared out of his life. Pewdie wanted to talk again, but Cry was faster. “ No, I never had a girlfriend,” he said, pushing Pewdie away from him,” I had a boyfriend.” He opened the door behind him and stormed through the hallway. Pewdie followed him, full of surprise, but still angry. “No, don’t do that,” He yelled when he saw Cry going for the front door. “You ass,” Cry hissed and swung the front door open. “Cry, come back!” Pewdie had yelled. Cry was so done with him. He had to deal with all of Pewdie’s emotions, anger and sadness, but this time he was done. This time Felix has crossed the line.

-Flashback ended-


It was going so good between them. Cry would never tell, but in the time Pewdie moved in with him, he had developed a small crush on the Swede. His head red from all the thoughts and the running, he knocked on the door of room 503 in the hotel Ken was staying. Please be there.. “Coming!” a voice yelled from inside the room. Cry exhaled in relieve, hearing breaking sounds coming from inside the room. “Just a minute,” the voice yelled again. Sounds of moving furniture and dishes could be heard. Finally, after sometime of waiting, the door opened. It revealed a long man, with dark brown hair and a slight beard, a funny bear-hat on his head and wearing a T-shirt that said: ‘Stay toasty my friends!’ “Oh, Cry!” the man said full of surprise,” Didn’t expect you here..” A small smile on his lips. Cry couldn’t say anything, tears started to fall again. Now that he was standing before his good friend, he felt safe, he could cry, he wasn’t alone. The man didn’t ask anything, his face full of worry and concern, he pulled Cry in for a hug. Cry wrapped his arms around him. Something inside of him broke, he started to sob harshly. Burying his face in the tall man’s chest. “Ken…”

Well, let me know what you think of it.

I have the first 3 / 4 chapter written down (so no changes there) and I have to type them in, which can take a while :/


After them, you can suggest with who Cry should end up J

I’ll talk to ya later!


Game on! (PewdieKenCry)Where stories live. Discover now