Chapter 13

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Welcome back to Game on! Chapter 13!





Cry was having a time like floating on cloud nine. Jack and Toby noticed, they asked about it, but Cry simply grinned at them dreamily. He was still dreamy when Pewdiepie called. “It’s Cry here!” Cry said happily over the phone. “Hey,” Pewdie said on the other end,” you sound happy?” Cry laughed,” Yeah, I’ve had a fun time with Ken at the amusement park.” The line went silent for a bit. “Pewdie?” Cry asked worried,” You still there?” After a bit, and a hidden sigh, Pewdie answered,” Yeah, well, that’s fantastic. So I called to ask if you want to go..” Pewdie trailed off. “Yes?” Cry asked, sounding very innocent. “I wondered if you wanted to go out..with…date.” Pewdie muttered. Cry pretended to discuss it with himself. “Sure!” he said after a while,” I’d love to!” Cry couldn’t help but feel a small pang of guilt towards Ken, but quickly shook it off. “…Really?!” Pewdie said. “Yes,” Cry said giggling. “Okay,” Pewdie said, sounding so, so happy,” I’ll pick you up at eight.”

The smile never left Pewdie’s face, not even when he walked towards Cry who was waiting for him in front of the restaurant. Actually, his smile only got bigger when spotting Cry’s fancy clothes. “Cry..” he said, getting Cry’s attention,” You look so…” He trailed off, again. “Do I look too fancy?” Cry asked, a little worried. He looked at himself,” Is it too much?” Pewdie shook his head quickly. “No!” he said,” You look really great!...handsome even.” Cry blushed slightly. Pewdie did too. “So,” Pewdie asked while taking Cry in his arms,” do you want to have dinner with me?” Cry’s blush got worse. “Yes, I’d love to,” Cry said softly. Pewdie wanted to kiss him, right then and there, but he contained himself. They both got inside, Pewdie holding the door open. Pewdie had reserved, so they had to wait for a waitress to point them to their table. They sat down at the neatly set table, with three little candles in the middle and a bush of roses at the side. “Wow,” Cry said, whistling softly,” that looks so fancy.” Pewdie chuckled,” just like you.” The waitress walked over to them to give them the menu’s. “Can I get you young gentlemen something to drink?” she asked politely. “Yes, thank you very much,” Pewdie said,” I’d have two glasses of champagne, please.” The waitress nodded and left to fetch the drinks. “Champagne?” Cry asked, looking surprised at Pewdie. Pewdie smiled slyly,” only the best for you.”

They had the best fucking talk they’ve ever had. Cry was laughing through the night and Pewdie made joke after joke. Their dinner was delicious and now they were waiting for dessert. The waitress they had for the entire evening came over to get the orders for the dessert. “I want the biggest ice-cream you have, and make it into one portion, so we can share!” Pewdie exclaimed, a little tipsy. Cry laughed and said:” I love ice-cream!” Pewdie nodded wildly. They really needed to sober up. The waitress laughed and left to get the order to the chef. “So,” Pewdie asked,” do you like somebody?” Cry looked surprised at him,” Are we gonna have that talk?” Pewdie giggled and nodded. “Yes,” Cry said,” I like multiple people.” Pewdie had a look of surprise and confusion. “I like you, Ken, Toby, Jack, everybody.” Cry laughed hysterically. Pewdie joined him. They stopped laughing when the waitress came back. She smiled amused at them and put the biggest ice-cream both of the men had seen on the table. They both grabbed a spoon and dove right in. The waitress left, still smiling. “Argh,” Pewdie suddenly exclaimed. Cry looked worried up at him, he was a bit sobering up. “Brain freeze!” Pewdie yelled. Silent over took them. Cry started to giggle, then laugh softly and it was followed by full out laughter. He almost started rolling of the table, laughing so hard. Pewdie was holding his head while moaning in pain. After a bit, they both calmed down, both sobered up. “Thanks for laughing at me,” Pewdie muttered. Cry smiled at him and took his hand in his,” You’re welcome.” 

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