Chapter 6

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Welcome back to Game on! Chapter 6!


Don’t forget, you guys can have a influence in this story ;)





“Guys, I need your help,” Ken said softly in the telephone.  Ken stood in the small kitchen in the hotel, while Cry was playing a game in the living room.  “With what exactly?” the voice on the phone said. “Cry,” Ken said, he had a plan to get Cry to stay with him. “Is there a problem?” said a voice on the background of the phone. “Can you guys invite Felix and…steal his phone?” Ken asked, biting his lip. There was silence on the other side. “You want us to do what?” “I need his phone, to make sure he didn’t take pictures of Cry as blackmail,” Ken lied. “Would he really do that?” the voice asked,” Are you sure? You’re not gonna use it for anything else?”  “Yes,” Ken said,” I’m just concerned about Cry’s wellbeing.  I want to protect him.” “Okay, me and Jack will invite him over for a game or something and then I’ll try to steal his phone,” the voice said. “Can you do that Toby?” “Of course!” Ken sighed relieved,” Thank you. Can you come by and bring me the phone later?” “Yeah,” Toby said,” See ya later.” The click sounded, followed by a familiar beeping, indicating that the line was cut.



His phone rang, hoping it was Cry, Pewdie crabbed his phone as fast as he could. It was Cry. A text message.

Heey Pewds? Are you enjoying yourself? Are you okay, not sick or anything? X C

Pewdie chuckled, typical Cry. Even when he was mad he still cared. He knew Cry was still furious at him, but the brown haired man couldn’t help but worry. Pewdie didn’t quite know how to reply.

I’m fine. P

Was that to bold? Pewdie thought. He shook his head. He always texted like that, it seemed a bit bold, but most people knew him.

His phone rang again. Cry had replied.

oh. okay.

Pewdie didn’t know what he had to think of the timid reply. He shrugged and tuck his phone away. He was feeling a bit mad himself. He was angry at Cry, for walking so easily to Ken. What am I thinking?! Pewdie thought and slapped himself, It’s not his fault, I was wrong, but still..I can’t help but feel mad at him, and Ken and I just… Realization hit him like a high-five with a chair from the Hulk. He was…jealous. He was jealous at Ken, that Cry ran to him, he was jealous that Ken looked like the hero in this story.  He shook his head. He had never felt the emotion so strong before, not even with Marzia.. Oh Cry, he thought, all the things you do to me..

His phone rang. For a minute he thought it was Cry again, but the ringing continued, indicating he was being called. He picked up his phone. “Felix,” he said, not trying to sound cheerful. “Hey Felix!” “Toby?” “Yes! Hey man!” Toby said happily,” You wanna hang out with me and Jack for an hour or so? Simply playing games or watching a movie?” Pewdie thought for a moment. It would be a good distraction from all his weird thoughts. “Yeah,” he answered,” That would be fun.” “See you in a bit?” Toby asked. “See you in a bit.”

Pewdie knocked on the front door of Toby and Jack’s apartment. Jack opened the door. “Hey Felix,” he said while shaking Pewdie’s hand. Felix smiled at him. “Toby’s in the living room, trying to choose a game to play, why don’t you go help him out?” Jack said, while walking back into the kitchen. Felix hung his coat on a hook and got rid of his shoes. “Hey Felix!” Toby said when Pewdie walked into the room. “Hey Toby, so what are we going to play?” Pewdie smiled. “Do you wanna play Call of Duty, or.. Worm Revolution?” While Pewdie was looking at the games, Toby reached to grab his phone out of Pewdie’s back-pocket. Not much people knew, but Toby was very swift, he had stolen some phone’s before. That was before Jack kept him on the right track and before YouTube became important. That’s why Jack hadn’t been happy with this...little stunt. It was because he cared about Cry’s wellbeing, he admitted to help. Suddenly Pewdie’s phone rang. Pewdie placed the games down while Toby quickly returned to his original position. “Just a sec.” Pewdie muttered. “Not a problem.” Toby smiled. A very thin layer of sweat on his forehead.  That was close, Toby thought. “Just remember to put it on mute, once we play the game.” Pewdie nodded while looking at Cry’s text.

I’m still mad at you..Are you angry at me too? X C

Pewdie frowned. I am, he thought, but I can’t say that, that’s not fair.


No, I’m not angry at you.

Pewdie pressed send and put away his phone. Not bothering to put it completely in his pocket. Toby noticed and swiftly grabbed the phone when Pewdie reached to take an controller. “Ready to play?” Toby asked smiling. Jack walked in and sat between the two on the couch. “Yeah,” Pewdie said, grinning mischievously,” I’m ready.” 

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