Mikael #2

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 You stand on the deck of the ship, listening to the waves softly crashing against the hull. You have to be getting close now. The captain you should be arriving in the New Orleans harbor today. Even now, in the distance, you think you can see it. That's where he is, and that's where you're going to kill him.

 "Up rather early, aren't you? The sun is only just rising."

 You nod. "I know. I couldn't sleep, and I wanted to be awake and up here when we arrive."

 "I see." Mikael walks up to stand next to you. "I couldn't sleep myself. It's been too long. Do you know, it's been over two centuries since the last time I saw any of them? I think I've been going mad."

 "You didn't seem mad when we met," you say.

 "Oh, I was. I may still be." He breathes in deeply. "You know, I still have no idea where that newspaper clipping came from, or how it ended up in my coat. But I am grateful to whoever sent it to me."

 "Whoever it was, it must be someone who wants him dead as much you do."

 "I suppose it could have been. He's gained many enemies over the centuries, yourself included."

 "Well, I...I don't know if I really count as an enemy," you say.

 "I think you do," he replies. "When we first met, and you realized who I was, you immediately offered to help me, give any assistance you could. You told me your own story, and you got me to share the truth of my story."

 "And you told me you fought alone, yet you let me come with you," you finish.

 "I know. It wasn't pity, if that is what you're thinking. I saw something in you that night, Y/N. I saw courage and determination, and the desire for justice."

 "And that's what made you let me go with you?" you ask.

 "Yes, partly. But you made me realize something. In my mission to kill the boy, it is not only for justice for my wife. It's justice for everyone who has died and been hurt by his hand. You stand as an example of all he's done. Because of him, you lost everything. To end him will be an ultimate justice."

 You look out over the water, towards land. "I think that's it, there. New Orleans. We should be there soon."

 "Indeed we will." He places his hand on your shoulder. "Patience, my dear Y/N. We'll all have our revenge."

The Originals/The Vampire Diaries/Legacies OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora