The Chance (Hosie)

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 The sun was now setting, and classes at the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted were over for the day. Everyone would most likely be wrapping up studies and going to bed, but not actually going to sleep without having a little fun first-or maybe a little extra study time, depending on how heavy your workload was. 

 There were two students lying out in the grass, the sunlight moving slowly across their faces as the sun moved downward in the sky. They had been silent for most of their time out there, but now one of them began to strike up a conversation. 

 "You know, we are going to have to go inside soon," Hope Mikaelson pointed out. "You can't avoid Lizzie forever." 

 "I know I can't," Josie Saltzman replied. "Just for as long as I can."

 "Okay, but the two of you are going to have work out your problems eventually." 

 "I know that. I just want to enjoy having time without having to spend all of it worrying about Lizzie for as long as possible. I...guess she and I will work things at eventually. I couldn't be mad at her forever. Well, what about you?" Josie turned over on her side. "Forget about my problems for now. What are you going to do about Landon?" 

 Hope sighed. "I don't know, to be honest. Maybe I was wrong about us. Maybe Landon and I weren't meant to work out long-term after all. I wish it wasn't wrong, but I think he and I might be over for real." 

 Josie frowned and gave her friend's hand a gentle squeeze. "I'm sorry. I know you were falling in love with Landon." 

 "Yeah. I was. But I'm gonna have to move on." She sighed again. "Oh, well. I'll figure it out somehow. Hey, it's going to be getting dark soon. We should start going inside before your dad comes looking for us." 

 "Yeah." Josie sat up. "Could I maybe stay in your room tonight? I won't be any trouble, I promise." 

 Hope have her a skeptical look. "I don't know. Given whatever's between us, it doesn't seem appropriate." 

 "W-what's between us?" 

 "Yes, Josie. You know there's been something else between you and me. I's a chance at something. You know, something more between us. Let's not go too fast, okay? Go back to your own room for tonight, or ask someone else if you can bunk with them. Come on." 

 Having no response, Josie silently walked back into the school with Hope. Did Hope actually believe there was something more between them than friendship? She couldn't imagine Hope just saying that so Josie wouldn't bunk with her for the night, so she must have believed it. And that was perfect, because Josie believed it, too. 

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