Caroline Forbes + Elena Gilbert

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 You've been dating Caroline Forbes for the last two months. The two of you have been on multiple dates and kissed a few times. You think you're falling in love with her, but you're not sure yet how she feels.

 One thing you have noticed about Caroline is that she tends to get jealous pretty quickly. And one person she happens to get jealous of easily is Elena Gilbert, one of her best friends. This gets to be a bit of a problem, since you're also close friends with Elena. Whenever you and Elena spend time together, Caroline always seems to get this look in her eyes, and you know she's jealous.

 You never thought it would escalate too much, since you're dating Caroline and you and Elena are just friends. But one day at school, you head to the cafeteria, hoping Caroline will want to join you for lunch. You don't see her anywhere, so you get a table and sit down to wait.

 Instead of Caroline, Elena comes to sit with you, and she says, "I think you and Caroline need to have a serious talk."

 "Uh, why? Did she say something to you?"

 "Oh, she said quite a few things to me." She sighs. "Okay, we had an argument. Well, she was the one with the issues."

 "What did you guys have a fight about?" you ask.

 "You. Apparently, Caroline is jealous of the fact that we're such good friends. I tried telling her that we're just that-good friends. But we just ended up in a fight instead."

 "Well, she...but she knows you and I are friends," you say. "We've been friends. She doesn't think I would break up with her to go out with you, does she?"

 Elena shrugs. "Honestly, I'm not sure what she's thinking. But I think you should talk to her about it. Maybe if she hears it from you, she'll believe it."

 You don't see Caroline for the rest of the afternoon. When school lets out, you practically run out the door, hoping to catch Caroline on her way out. When you do spot her outside, you call, "Caroline!"

 She turns around, and you wave to her. She doesn't turn away, and doesn't move as you run towards her.

 "I've been wanting to talk to you," you say. "I talked Elena in the cafeteria, and she told me you guys had a fight. About me."

 "Yeah, I guess she told you all about that, didn't she?" She says it in a quiet tone, and she can't seem to make her eyes meet yours.

 "Yeah, she told me because she thought I should talk to you myself. Caroline, I've been friends with Elena since before you and I started dating. The fact that we're friends isn't going to change. Do you really think I would date you for two months if I liked someone else more than you?"

 She stares at you for a few long seconds. And then she pulls you into a hug.

 "I'm sorry," she whispers. "I know it was stupid to be jealous. I feel like I should have more faith in you."

 "Please do in the future," you whisper back. "I'll do my best to keep you from regretting it."

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